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Training workshop on Electronic European Language Portfolio for elementary and secondary schools and teacher training in Montenegro (Podgorica, 3-4 October 2019)

Training and consultancy offer of the ECML to member states

Author: Catherine Seewald/03 October 2019/Categories: Show on front page, Montenegro, ECML programme 2016-2019, Training and Consultancy, TAC Electronic ELP

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Local organisation: Ms Nataša Perić, Bureau for Education Services
Participants: 21 teachers in elementary and secondary schools, teacher trainers, supervisors


The workshop on the European Electronic Language Portfolio (e-ELP) will be held on 3-4 October 2019, in cooperation of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) and the Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro.

Deputy Director of the Bureau for Education Services, Mr Radovan Popovic, will open the workshop. Ms Ljiljana Subotić, ECML Governing Board Member and Ms Nataša Perić, ECML contact point will talk about cooperation with the European Centre for Modern Languages, its activities and resources.

A team of experts of the European Centre for Modern Languages will familiarize the participants with the structure and functions of the European Language Portfolio, and with its electronic version. They will present a platform that enables the application of pedagogical principles in the teaching of foreign languages with the help of technology. The platform is intended for teachers at all levels of education, pupils and students, in the context of formal and informal language learning, because the application of the European Language Portfolio encourages autonomy in learning, develop self-assessment skills and helps in documenting the learning outcomes.

Given that the use of technology in teaching should be methodically adjusted, the goal of two-day training programme is to familiarize teachers with activities that will help them use the eELP as a tool in teaching that contributes to more efficient learning.

Teachers of foreign languages in primary and secondary schools and supervisors from the Bureau of Education will attend the training programme.

The experts Bärbel Kühn and Maria Luisa Perez Cavana will lead the workshop.

Nataša Perić

Montenegrin version

U organizaciji Zavoda za školstvo, uz ekspertsku podršku Evropskog centra za moderne jezike iz Graca, 3. i 4. oktobra 2019. godine, u Zavodu za školstvo, održaće se seminar Elektronski Evropski jezički portfolio (eELP).

Seminar će otvoriti pomoćnik direktora Zavoda za školstvo, gospodin Radovan Popović,  a o saradnji sa Centrom za moderne jezike i njegovim aktivnostima govoriće Ljiljana Subotić, član Upravnog odbora i Nataša Perić, nacionalni koordinator.

Tim stručnjaka Evropskog centra za moderne jezike upoznaće učesnike sa strukturom i funkcijom Evropskog jezičkog portfolija, ali i njegovom elektronskom verzijom. Riječ je o platformi koja omogućava primjenu pedagoških principa u nastavi stranih jezika uz pomoć tehnologije. Ova platforma je namijenjena nastavnicima na svim nivoima obrazovanja, učenicima i studentima, u kontekstu formalnog i neformalnog učenja jezika, jer se primjenom Evropskog jezičkog portfolija podstiče samostalnost u učenju, razvija vještina samoprocjene i pomaže dokumentovanje ishoda učenja. S obzirom na to da je riječ o primjeni tehnologije u nastavi  koja mora biti metodički prilagođena, cilj dvodnevnog programa obuke je upoznati nastavnike sa aktivnostima koje će omogućiti primjenu ovog instrumenta u nastavi i doprinijeti efikasnijem usvajanju stranog jezika.

Program obuke će pohađati nastavnici stranih jezika koji se izučavaju u osnovnim i srednjim školama i nadzornici iz Zavoda za školstvo.

Voditelji seminara su eksperti Evropskog centra za moderne jezike Bärbel Kühn i Maria Luisa Perez Cavana.

 Nataša Perić








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