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Encourager l’éducation aux langues dans la formation professionnelle transfrontalière

Comment promouvoir au mieux l’éducation aux langues dans les régions frontalières, notamment dans l’éducation et la formation professionnelles

Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education

Cette page sera disponible en français en 2024. Veuillez vous référer aux pages en anglais pour le moment.
Le site web de ressources se concentre sur des procédés innovants permettant de faciliter les échanges linguistiques et culturels transfrontaliers, ainsi que sur le développement de compétences plurilingues et interculturelles dans les milieux professionnels, alliant la recherche aux besoins réels sur le terrain.

This website focuses on the promotion of language education in cross-border working environments. Plurilingual and intercultural competences, among others, are needed for living and working in a border region. In this context, neighbouring language(s) play(s) a major role in communication. All over Europe, the issue of training specific to such settings is one of increasing importance. However, research and experience in border studies show that specific concepts for language learning and teaching in these contexts are still lacking. The concept of competences needed for successful communication according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), its Companion Volume and the Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA) has to be adapted to border settings. Resources and suggested activities, which bring together expertise from a variety of different border regions, attempt to close this gap.

About the website sections

Your experiences and thoughts may guide you to the contents of the modules offered on this website. They are designed especially for cross-border vocational language teaching and learning. There are three main sections:

Plurilingualism in cross-border vocational language education 
Intercultural competences in cross-border vocational language education
Languages, disciplines and professions in cross-border vocational language education


In each section, there are different activities combining theory and practice. The texts and activities provide teachers, teacher educators and stakeholders with background information about the selected topic. Furthermore, you will find interactive tasks and activities that may be used for language education in cross-border vocational contexts. The activities have been developed for both teachers as learners and their students as learners. Hence, all interested actors in the field of vocational language education are invited to try out these activities by themselves to broaden their horizons.

The different sections are not dependent on each other, so you can choose the contents according to your interests and needs. Because of the close connection of some topics, sometimes the contents of different sections may overlap.

Portfolio – Language education in cross-border vocational education

We encourage everyone to use our Portfolio – Language education in cross-border vocational education, in order to enhance the learning process, especially with regard to your own language biography. 

More about the portfolio


ID: 7
Name: Encourager l’éducation aux langues dans la formation professionnelle transfrontalière
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/crossbordervocationaleducation
FlyerUrl: https://www.ecml.at/Portals/1/6MTP/documents/project-results-6mtp-FR.pdf
Type: ENFR
Year: 2023
En: True
Fr: True
De: False


un guide en ligne pour les éducateur·trice·s travaillant dans des environnements transfrontaliers avec des apprenant·e·s dans l’enseignement professionnel ou avec des adultes dans la formation professionnelle
un portfolio enseignant et apprenant élaboré sur la base du Portfolio européen des langues

Groupes cibles

  • enseignant·e·s dans le secteur professionnel
  • formateur·trice·s d’enseignant·e·s, chercheur·euse·s
  • parties prenantes de l’éducation et de la formation professionnelles dans les régions frontalières

Équipe du projet



Avec le soutien de : Camilla Hansen (Danemark), Fabienne Korb (Allemagne), Anna Gałęziowska-Krzystolik (Pologne), Veronika Lovrits (Luxembourg), Christina Reissner (Allemagne), Elisabeth Venohr (Allemagne), Goethe Institut Nancy (France).

 Références clés 


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