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    October 2014

Calendar 2014


October 2014

ECML training and consultancy for member States

1-3 October 2014
“Plurilingual and intercultural competences: descriptors and teaching materials” (FREPA)
Venue: Yerevan, Armenia
Experts: Michel Candelier, France; Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany 
Local organiser: Anna Azayran, Center for the Implementation of Council of Europe Language Education Programmes, Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov, Armenia
Working languages: English and French
Participants: language teachers and teacher trainers, multipliers
Website:      http://carap.ecml.at

Expert meeting

6-7 October 2014
“Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education” (Community)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Andrea Young, France
Participants: project team


7 October 2014
Training for ECML experts to engage as moderators in the Programme of Confidence Building Measures of the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Political Advice
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Organisation: Directorate of Political Advice of the Council Europe in cooperation with the ECML and the Austrian Association for the ECML
Participants: Michel Candelier, France; Anna Maria Curci, Italy; Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany ; two trainers of the Directorate of Political Advice of the Council Europ


8-10 October 2014
“Teacher training seminar on foreign languages learning” - Seminar for foreign languages teachers/teacher trainers from Abkhazia
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Experts: Mercè Bernaus, Spain; Brigitte Gerber, Switzerland; David Newby, Austria

the Directorate of Political Advice of the Council Europe in cooperation with the ECML and the Austrian Association for the ECML
Participants: foreign languages teachers/teacher trainers from Tbilisi and Sukhumi
Project sites:
http:// http://conbat.ecml.at/; http://carap.ecml.at; //epostl2.ecml.at

Preparatory meeting of Regional workshop

8 October 2014
"Plurilingual whole school curricula" (PlurCur)
Venue: Darmstadt, Germany
Participants: project team

Regional workshop

9-10 October 2014
"Plurilingual whole school curricula" (PlurCur)
Venue: Darmstadt, Germany
Coordinator: Britta Hufeisen, Germany
Co-animators: Elisabeth Allgäuer-Hackl, Austria; Kristin Brogan; Ireland; Joachim Schlabach, Finland
Working languages: English and German
Participants: with local or regional participants and up to 6 invited participants from other member states

National support event

10-12 October 2014
Conference of the Association of teachers of French in Bulgaria (APFB)

Venue : Sandanski, Bulgaria

Expert: Ildikó Lőrincz, Hungary

Local organiser: Jeanna Kristeva, Chair of APFB, University of Sofia
Participants : up to 150 teachers of French

Web site: http://carap.ecml.at
Conference programme

Participation in an external event / Participation of ECML staff in an event

10-12 October 2014
22th Annual meeting of the Croatian German Teachers Association / 22. Tagung des Kroatischen Deutschlehrerverbands
Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osijek, Croatia
Local organisation: Ninočka Truck-Biljan, National Contact Point for the ECML in Croatia
ECML contribution: plenary presentation „Das Europäische Fremdsprachenzentrum des Europarats und Beispiele seiner Arbeit im Bereich der mehrsprachigen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen: online conference by Susanna Slivensky, Deputy Executive Director / Head of Programmes, and presentation by Anna Schröder-Sura, University Justus-Liebieg, Gießen, Germany; documentation
Website of the Association

Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning, EU – ECML cooperation agreement 2014-2015

16-17 October 2014
“Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-REV)”: network meeting
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Working language: English

Experts: members of the ICT-REV team
Participants: language teachers, teacher trainers, multipliers

Participation in an external event

17 October 2014 –  23 January 2015
Teaching French “Learning Process“ as part of the initial training of teachers of French ( compulsory subject in undergraduate studies)
Location: Institute of Romance Studies , Karl-Franzens University , Graz, Austria
Participants: 26 student (s) ; contact: Barbara Horngacher
ECML contribution: publication The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) (2007), flyers (2011) – Project website

Hosted event at the ECML premises

20 October 2014
„Zusammenleben in Vielfalt: Integration als wechselseitiger Kommunikationsprozess“
Organisation: Europazentrum

ECML training and consultancy for member States

21 October 2014
“Quality assurance in language and citizenship courses for adult migrants”
: preparatory meeting of the workshop Venue: Schulamt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Experts: Laura Muresan, Romania; Richard Rossner, United Kingdom
Local organiser: Eva-Maria Schädler, Schulamt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Working language: English

ECML training and consultancy for member States

22-23 October 2014
“Quality assurance in language and citizenship courses for adult migrants”
: workshop
Venue: Schulamt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Experts: Laura Muresan, Romania; Richard Rossner, United Kingdom
Local organiser: Eva-Maria Schädler, Schulamt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Working language: English

Participation in an external event

27-28 October 2014
Language education forum
to promote the new basic education curriculum 2016 plus the collaboration of all language subjects
Venue: Helsinki, Finland
Organisation: Finnish National Board of Education 
Participants: 200 experts in language education
Forum programme
ECML contribution: documentation

Statutory meeting

30-31 October 2014
58th meeting of the Bureau of the Governing Board