032.2002a - GERMANY
The Thüringen Model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by a working group made up of teachers from a variety of schools in Thüringen, on behalf of the Thüringer Kultusministerium. It is a three part model intended for use in schools in Thüringen from the 3rd class of primary school right up until the end of school-based education. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as well as on the teaching plans for foreign language education developed in Thüringen between 1999 and 2001.
Hard copies of the portfolio can be ordered from:
Druckmedienzentrum Gotha GmbH
Cyrusstraße 18
99867 Gotha
Tel.: +49 (0)3621 / 739 68 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)3621 / 739 68 - 17
For more information visit the website of the Thüringer Kultusministerium.
Country: Germany Publication year: 2002 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur Model for learners in primary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
032.2002b - GERMANY
The Thüringen Model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by a working group made up of teachers from a variety of schools in Thüringen, on behalf of the Thüringer Kultusministerium. It is a three part model intended for use in schools in Thüringen from the 3rd class of primary school right up until the end of school-based education. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as well as on the teaching plans for foreign language education developed in Thüringen between 1999 and 2001.
Hard copies of the portfolio can be ordered from:
Druckmedienzentrum Gotha GmbH
Cyrusstraße 18
99867 Gotha
Tel.: +49 (0)3621 / 739 68 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)3621 / 739 68 - 17
For more information visit the website of the Thüringer Kultusministerium (in German only).
Country: Germany Publication year: 2002 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur Model for learners in grades 5 to 9
This portfolio is not available for download here.
032.2002c - GERMANY
The Thüringen Model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by a working group made up of teachers from a variety of schools in Thüringen, on behalf of the Thüringer Kultusministerium. It is a three part model intended for use in schools in Thüringen from the 3rd class of primary school right up until the end of school-based education. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as well as on the teaching plans for foreign language education developed in Thüringen between 1999 and 2001.
Hard copies of the portfolio can be ordered from:
Druckmedienzentrum Gotha GmbH
Cyrusstraße 18
99867 Gotha
Tel.: +49 (0)3621 / 739 68 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)3621 / 739 68 - 17
For more information visit the website of the Thüringer Kultusministerium (in German only).
Country: Germany Publication year: 2002 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur Model for learners in grades 10 to 12
This portfolio is not available for download here.
090.2007a - GERMANY
The Hessen model of the European Language Portfolio is one of several developed as part of a collaboration between the German states of Berlin, Bremen, Hessen and North Rhine-Westphalia for use in primary and secondary education in Germany.
Country: Germany Publication year: 2007 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Ulrich Andersch, Maria-Luise Campen-Schreiner, Jürgen Wrobel, Karin Drese, Andrea Baader, Melanie Dahm, Gerlinde Dietrich, Kerstin Dreier, Arno Esser, Barbara Gilly-Okpanyi, Christine Wolfermann, Claudia Hauβ Model for lower-secondary learners (grades 3-10)
This portfolio is not available for download here.
090.2007b - GERMANY
The Hessen model of the European Language Portfolio is one of several developed as part of a collaboration between the German states of Berlin, Bremen, Hessen and North Rhine-Westphalia for use in primary and secondary education in Germany.
Country: Germany Publication year: 2007 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary
Author(s): Ulrich Andersch, Maria-Luise Campen-Schreiner, Jürgen Wrobel, Karin Drese, Andrea Baader, Melanie Dahm, Gerlinde Dietrich, Kerstin Dreier, Arno Esser, Barbara Gilly-Okpanyi, Christine Wolfermann, Claudia Hauβ Model for lower-secondary learners (grades 3-10)
This portfolio is not available for download here.
006.2000 - EAQUALS/ALTE
The EAQUALS/ALTE version of the European Language Portfolio has been introduced to stimulate and support the learning of languages of adults (16+). It is designed to help language learners reflect on and improve their learning process, whether they are taking part in a course or learning languages independently. It also helps to show their knowledge of other languages and cultures. It is based on the language levels described in the Common European Framework of Reference developed by the Council of Europe.
This Portfolio is a tool to accompany the learning of languages throughout adult life and is suitable for documenting learning both inside and outside the classroom. It contains pages in French, German, Italian and English.
Cost 6 €
The distribution and sale of the EAQUALS/ALTE ELP is handled by:
S.I.E.S. Srl (Servizio Importazione Esportazione Stampa)
Silvana Bettoni tel. (0039)
Rita Alessi tel. (0039)
Email: sies@siesnet.it
There is also a version in Spanish, Basque, French and English. This is available at a cost of 6 € from the Basque Government, Department of Education.
Order from:
Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco.
Calle Donostia-San Sebastián 1
01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Basque Country, Spain
There is also an electronic version, available for free download from the dedicated website run by EAQUALS and ALTE.
Country: Andorra Publication year: 2000 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes Students
Basque English French German Italian Spanish
Adult Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage)
Author(s): Association of Language Testers in Europe, Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services Model for adult learners EAQUALS/ALTE
This portfolio is not available for download here.
102.2009 - BELGIUM
This European Language Portfolio is designed to support school pupils aged 10 to 14 in their foreign language learning. The language portfolio was developed in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) and corresponds to levels A1-B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. It was accredited by the Council of Europe in 2009.
The folder consists of four parts: language passport, language biography, dossier and guidance notes. The passport is issued in Dutch, French, English and German and the "can do statements" in the language biography are written in both Dutch and French.
The portfolio can be ordered from the websites of the VVKBAO or the DNI.
Country: Belgium Publication year: 2009 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Primary Lower secondary
Author(s): Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Basisonderwijs Model for young learners aged 10 to 14
This portfolio is not available for download here.
020.2001 - PORTUGAL
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Portuguese primary and lower secondary education by a team of experts working on behalf of the Portuguese Ministry of Education.
Country: Portugal Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Alberto Gaspar, Maria Antónia Laranjo, Olga Machado, Paula Vieira, Lídia Mota, Manuela Vieira, Glória Fischer, Helena Correia Model for learners aged 10-15 years old
021.2001 - PORTUGAL
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Portuguese upper secondary education by a team of experts working on behalf of the Portuguese Ministry of Education.
Country: Portugal Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
General public Language learners Students Young people (in general)
Upper secondary
Author(s): Maria Antónia Laranjo, Lídia Mota, Manuela Vieira, Glória Fischer, Helena Correia, Maria Anália Gomes, Maria Arminda Bragança Model for learners in upper-secondary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
050.2003 - SPAIN
The European Language Portfolio was developed in Spain by the Agency for European Educational Programmes.
Following the recommendations of the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe, a National Committee for the development of a European Language Portfolio (ELP) was established in Spain.
A team of specialists in language teaching and learning were commissioned to design of a European Language Portfolio for four age groups and different educational levels.
On November 7 2003 the first three models presented to the Council of Europe were validated - the ELP for students aged 3-7, the ELP for students aged 8-12 and the ELP for Secondary Schools and high school (12-18 years). The approval numbers of these new models of European Language Portfolio are respectively: 50.2003, 51.2003 and 52.2003. In 2004, a model was also validated for Adults with accreditation number 59.2004.
For more information and to download the portfolios for free visit the website of the Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (in Spanish only).
Country: Spain Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Pre-primary Primary
Author(s): Maria del Carmen Alario Trigueros, Maria de la Calle Alonso Ramírez, Maria Belén Gómez Romero, Miguel Ángel Robledo Ortega Model for learners aged 3-7
051.2003 - SPAIN
The European Language Portfolio was developed in Spain by the Agency for European Educational Programmes.
Following the recommendations of the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe, a National Committee for the development of a European Language Portfolio (ELP) was established in Spain.
A team of specialists in language teaching and learning were commissioned to design of a European Language Portfolio for four age groups and different educational levels.
On November 7 2003 the first three models presented to the Council of Europe were validated - the ELP for students aged 3-7, the ELP for students aged 8-12 and the ELP for Secondary Schools and high school (12-18 years). The approval numbers of these new models of European Language Portfolio are respectively: 50.2003, 51.2003 and 52.2003. In 2004, a model was also validated for Adults with accreditation number 59.2004.
For more information and to download the portfolios for free visit the website of the Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (in Spanish only).
Country: Spain Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Basque Catalan Galician Spanish Valencian
Author(s): Azucena Corredera, Eliza Vazquez, Eva Martinez Model for learners aged 8-12
052.2003 - SPAIN
The European Language Portfolio was developed in Spain by the Agency for European Educational Programmes.
Following the recommendations of the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe, a National Committee for the development of a European Language Portfolio (ELP) was established in Spain.
A team of specialists in language teaching and learning were commissioned to design of a European Language Portfolio for four age groups and different educational levels.
On November 7 2003 the first three models presented to the Council of Europe were validated - the ELP for students aged 3-7, the ELP for students aged 8-12 and the ELP for Secondary Schools and high school (12-18 years). The approval numbers of these new models of European Language Portfolio are respectively: 50.2003, 51.2003 and 52.2003. In 2004, a model was also validated for Adults with accreditation number 59.2004.
For more information and to download the portfolios for free visit the website of the Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (in Spanish only).
Country: Spain Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Basque Catalan Galician Spanish Valencian
Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Daniel Cassany, Olga Esteve, Ernesto Martín Peris, Carmen Pérez-Vidal Model for learners aged 12-18
059.2004 - SPAIN
The European Language Portfolio was developed in Spain by the Agency for European Educational Programmes.
Following the recommendations of the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe, a National Committee for the development of a European Language Portfolio (ELP) was established in Spain.
A team of specialists in language teaching and learning were commissioned to design of a European Language Portfolio for four age groups and different educational levels.
On November 7 2003 the first three models presented to the Council of Europe were validated - the ELP for students aged 3-7, the ELP for students aged 8-12 and the ELP for Secondary Schools and high school (12-18 years). The approval numbers of these new models of European Language Portfolio are respectively: 50.2003, 51.2003 and 52.2003. In 2004, a model was also validated for Adults with accreditation number 59.2004.
For more information and to download the portfolios for free visit the website of the Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (in Spanish only).
Country: Spain Publication year: 2004 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes
Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Model for adult learners
The UK adult/vocational European Language Portfolio (ELP) has been developed for use by adults who are learning languages for work or social purposes. The ELP has been used by learners in adult, further and higher education, business language learners and students following vocationally-related language courses. The ELP, first published in 2002, was revised and reapproved by the Council of Europe in December 2006 and published in spring 2007.
The UK adult ELP follows the format, specified by the Council of Europe, of all European Language Portfolios, but has been tailored to be particularly relevant to adult or work-related language learning in the UK. It is currently the UK’s sole model for use by adults.
Like other ELPs, the adult ELP is not designed to replace existing courses or qualifications, but to complement these by enhancing the learning process and providing a single collection point for evidence of all an individual’s linguistic and intercultural skills. It can also be used for benchmarking skills levels, setting objectives and charting progress.
The Adult ELP is available in hard copy at a cost of £4.75 (£4 for 150+ copies). If you would like to order a hard copy please visit the CILT shop.
Alternatively, you can download it from the CILT website in either PDF or Word format (for learner completion).
Country: United Kingdom Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes
Post-secondary Adult
Author(s): John Thorogood, Gill Musk, Cherry Sewell Model for adults (with a particular, but not exclusive, focus on the learner of languages for vocational purposes)
The junior version of the European Language Portfolio is a Council of Europe initiative, launched in the 2001 European Year of Languages. The ELP provides pupils with a record of their achievements and progress in languages.
The 2001 version has now been superseded by a second edition - validated model 70.2006. Visit the Primary Languages website for more information.
Country: United Kingdom Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Patricia McLagan Model for children
The junior version of the European Language Portfolio is a Council of Europe initiative, launched in the 2001 European Year of Languages. The ELP provides pupils with a record of their achievements and progress in languages. The second edition of this portfolio was accredited in 2006 by the Council of Europe.
The Junior ELP is:
a way to celebrate language learning and intercultural experiences
an open-ended record of children’s achievements in languages
addressed to and is the property of the learner
a valuable source of information to aid transfer and transition
For more information visit the website of the UK Primary Languages initiative.
Country: United Kingdom Publication year: 2006 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Patricia McLagan Model for junior learners
073.2006 - LITHUANIA
This version of the European Language Portfolio was developed specially for use in Lithuanian secondary schools.
Country: Lithuania Publication year: 2006 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Upper secondary
Author(s): Zita Mažuolienė Model for learners in upper secondary education
107.2010 - LITHUANIA
This version of the European Language Portfolio was developed specially for use in Lithuanian secondary schools.
Country: Lithuania Publication year: 2010 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary
Author(s): Silvestros Markuckienės Model for learners aged 11 to 15
002.2000 - FRANCE
This model of the European language portfolio has now been superseded by model number 104.2010 for young learners aged 6 to 10. For more information please visit the website of the publisher, Editions Didier(in French only).
Country: France Publication year: 2000 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Francis Gouillier Model for children
104.2010 - FRANCE
This model of the European Language Portfolio was designed for use in French primary schools, and supersedes the previous Model for children (02.2000).
For further information please visit the website of the publisher, Editions Didier(in French only).
Country: France Publication year: 2010 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Francis Gouillier Model for young learners aged 6 to 10
This portfolio is not available for download here.
044.2003 - FRANCE
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in French secondary schools.
For more information please visit the website of the publisher, Editions Didier (in French only).
Country: France Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary
Author(s): Francis Gouillier Model for learners in lower secondary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
005.2000 - FRANCE
This model of the European Language Portfolio, originally intended for use by young learners and adults, was relaunched in 2006 in its present form.
For further information please visit the website of the publisher, Editions Didier (in French only).
Country: France Publication year: 2000 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Francis Gouillier Model for learners aged 15+
096.2008 - ALBANIA
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Albanian secondary schools by the Albanian Ministry of Education and Science
Country: Albania Publication year: 2008 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Tatjana Vuçani, Shpresa Delija, Andromaqi Haloçi, Ogerta Koruti Model for upper-secondary learners aged 15+
This portfolio is not available for download here.
058.2004 - AUSTRIA
The model for learners aged 10-15 was developed for use by students in both academic and vocational education, and is intended to support the learning of any language. Above all it serves to prepare students for the demands of upper secondary education.
For more information and to purchase a copy of this portfolio, please visit the website of the Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum (in German only).
Country: Austria Publication year: 2004 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Gunther Abuja Model for learners aged 10-15
This portfolio is not available for download here.
053.2003 - BULGARIA
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science for use in primary schools in Bulgaria.
Country: Bulgaria Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Ministry of Education and Science Bulgaria Model for learners aged 6-10
This portfolio is not available for download here.
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