Working languages of the project: English, German
Project term: 2024-2026
Administration: view page
Why this project is needed
The first holistic Recommendation in the field of languages education, covering all languages, all education sectors and wider society, Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)1) on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for a democratic culture is hugely ambitious and intentionally aspirational. At the same time, it is also realistic, recognising important contextual differences and valuing every small step taken. It indicates that “much can nevertheless be achieved in the meantime by adjusting policy and practice at the level of the educational institution and the classroom and by drawing on existing Council of Europe resources.“ (CM/Rec(2022)1, paragraph 5.a.iv) with relevant links provided in the Explanatory Memorandum. Many of these resources are ECML resources, with several new resources having been developed since the publication of the Recommendation in February 2022.
This new ECML project aims to demonstrate how these resources can be adapted to different national contexts. In this way the project will help member states work towards the realisation of effective and inclusive plurilingual and intercultural education.