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“CLIL and beyond, a pluriliteracies approach – Teaching for deeper learning”
Date and venue: 16-17 May 2024, Tallinn, Estonia
Local organiser: Kati Bakradze-Pank
ECML moderators: Kevin Schuck (Netherlands) and Susanne Staschen-Dielmann (Germany)
Participants: 22 trainers, teachers in kindergarten, primary, upper- and lower-secondary, university, adult education, integrated vocational and secondary education, newcomers in school levels
The “CLIL and beyond, a Pluriliteracies Approach – Teaching for Deeper Learning” training targeted practicing teachers and teacher trainers who were interested in supporting schools and other teachers in implementing CLIL in general education, vocational education, and nonformal studies. The teachers participating had a background in implementing CLIL but required a more comprehensive and in-depth approach, in order to meet the current educational challenges in Estonia. Every teacher is a language teacher, and this means that CLIL has to become an integral and natural part of teaching in any subject or profession to students coming from pluricultural and plurilingual backgrounds in the current transitional period of Estonian-language education in Estonia.
The practical approaches presented during the workshop by the ECML experts Susanne Staschen-Dielmann and Kevin Schuck addressed the needs of practitioners, trainers, teachers at kindergarten, primary, upper- and lower-secondary, university, adult education, integrated vocational and secondary education and newcomers in school levels attending the workshop.
The primary objective of this workshop in Estonia was to learn more about the various approaches and methods used in this important area. Both practical and theoretical aspects were discussed, ultimately benefiting not only learners in the classrooms but also the teachers themselves who cooperated with one another and shared their experiences.
Kati Bakradze-Pank
Estonian version
Kursus "Lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe ja mitmekeelsus - õpetamine sügavama õppimise eesmärgil" oli kursus praktiseerivatele õpetajatele ja õpetajakoolitajatele, kes olid huvitatud koolide ja teiste õpetajate toetamisest lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe rakendamisest üldhariduses, kutsehariduses ja mitteformaalses õppes. Osalevad õpetajad oli LAK-õppe rakendamise taustaga, kuid Eesti praeguste haridusprobleemide lahendamiseks oli vaja terviklikumat ja põhjalikumat lähenemist. Iga õpetaja on keeleõpetaja ja see tähendab, et LAK-õpe peab saama lahutamatuks ja loomulikuks osaks mistahes aine- või kutsehariduse andmisel mitmekultuurilise ja mitmekeelse taustaga õpilastele praegusel üleminekuperioodil eestikeelsele haridusele Eestis.
Praktilised lähenemised, mida Euroopa Nüüdiskeelte Keskuse eksperdid dr Susanne Staschen-Dielmann ja Kevin Schuck töötoas käsitlesid, vastasid praktikute, koolitajate, lasteaia-, alg-, põhi- ja keskkooli-, ülikooli-, täiskasvanuhariduse, integreeritud kutse- ja keskhariduse õpetajate vajadustele.
Meie kontekstis oli seminari esmane eesmärk rohkem teada saada erinevate lähenemisviisidest ja meetoditest, kus arutati nii praktilisi kui ka teoreetilisi aspekte, millest said kasu mitte ainult õppijad klassiruumis, vaid ka õpetajad ise koostöös oma kogemusi jagades.
Kati Bakradze-Pank
Unlock the future of teaching with ECML's innovative workshops
Date and venue: 16-17 October 2023, Zagreb, Croatia
Local organiser: Davor Černi, Agencija za odgoj I obrazovanje (Education and Teacher Training Agency), Zagreb
ECML moderators: Kevin Schuck (Netherlands) and Susanne Staschen-Dielmann (Germany)
Participants: 39 participants from diverse educational backgrounds, predominantly from primary and secondary schools in Croatia, primarily English language teachers
Dive into the future of education with the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) and its groundbreaking workshops on CLIL and Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning (PTDL). These workshops offer a unique opportunity for educators to explore innovative teaching methodologies that integrate content and language, fostering deep learning and multilingual skills among students. Led by experienced ECML moderators, participants gain practical tools and insights to transform their teaching practices, enhancing student engagement and outcomes. Join a community of forward-thinking educators and leverage these workshops to inspire change in your classroom and beyond. Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your teaching to new heights and make a lasting impact on your students' educational journey.
Davor Černi
Croatian version
Otključajte budućnost poučavanja s inovativnim radionicama ECML-a
Zaronite u budućnost obrazovanja s Europskim centrom za moderne jezike (ECML) i njegovim revolucionarnim radionicama o CLIL-u i Poučavanju pluriliterarnosti za dublje učenje (PTDL). Ove radionice nude jedinstvenu priliku učiteljima I nastavnicima da istraže inovativne metode poučavanja koje integriraju sadržaj i jezik, potičući duboko učenje i višejezične vještine među učenicima. Pod vodstvom iskusnih moderatora ECML-a, sudionici dobivaju praktične alate i uvide za transformaciju svojih nastavnih praksi, poboljšavajući angažman i rezultate učenika. Pridružite se zajednici progresivnih učitelja I nastavnika i iskoristite ove radionice kako biste inspirirali promjene u svojoj učionici i šire. Ne propustite ovu priliku da svoje poučavanje podignete na novu razinu i ostavite trajan utjecaj na obrazovni put svojih učenika.
Davor Černi
Final conference of the 6th medium-term programme 2020-2023 (13-14 December 2023, Graz, Austria & online)
“Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences” – Join the livestream!
The conference represents the culmination of the four years of work of the ECML’s “Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences” programme, involving, among others, 9projects, 1think tank, 12offers of training and consultancy (TaC) and a series of initiatives developed with the support of the European Commission.
The conference is aimed at all language education professionals and in particular at ECML stakeholders, policy makers and persons with a professional focus on the practice of language education (curriculum development, teacher education, material design…).
The programme involves plenary presentations, speeches, a round table, a series of smaller workshops for the presentation and discussion of programme outputs and outcomes as well as envisaged links to activities in the 2024-2027 programme.
The workshops on the second day of the conference will be organised thematically:
- Language teacher and learner competences,
- Transversal dimension of language education / Competences for life and work,
- Plurilingual and intercultural education,
- Languages of schooling; language in subjects.
Within each given theme there will be a focus on the completed project resources and related TaC activities from the current programme. Presenters will focus on the inspiring and innovative aspects of their TaC activity/new resources and will consider how the different approaches and materials presented in their thematic session complement one other.
This will also be an excellent opportunity to get a preview of the new ECML programme “Language education at the heart of democracy” (2024-2027).
In order to ensure access to a wider audience, the event will be streamed in both working languages (English and French) and the recordings made available on the ECML website.
Conference web page: English – French
Conference programme: English – French
Join the live streaming here – no registration required: English – French
ECML Training and Consultancy Workshop: "CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and beyond: pluriliteracies for deeper learning" (18-19 September 2023, Kumanovo, Republic of North Macedonia)
Date and venue of the event: 18-19 September 2023, Kumanovo, Republic of North Macedonia.
Local organiser of this ECML training and consultancy: Zoran Apostolovski, Head of networking and cooperation; State Secondary School - Regional Vocational Education and Training Centre “Kiro Burnaz” Kumanovo.
ECML experts: Kevin Schuck (Netherlands) and Letizia Cinganotto (Italy).
Participants: 32 teachers in primary and secondary educational institutions with over 10 year of professional experience.
On the 18 and 19 September 2023, a two-day Training and consultancy workshop „CLIL and beyond: pluriliteracies for deeper learning“ was held in the premises of the State Secondary School – Regional Centre for Vocational Education and Training "Kiro Burnaz" Kumanovo. The workshop was organised within the framework of the ECML’s cooperation with the North Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science as part of the ECML training and consultancy programme for member states. Ther event was facilitated by the ECML experts Kevin Schuck (Penta College CSG Jacob van Liesveldt, Holland) and Letizia Cinganotto (University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy).
The participants of the workshop were teachers in primary and secondary educational institutions, including foreign languages teachers (English, French, Italian and German), Macedonian language and literature teachers and teachers of general education subjects (chemistry, innovation, information technology, science). The theme of the workshop was carefully chosen by the organiser, since CLIL methodology is increasingly popular among teachers and students in North Macedonia. The workshop participants benefited from the trainers’ academic presentation methods and activities, as well as from their own active participation in the workshop. This event has allowed participants, through practical exercises, to familiarize themselves with the basics of the CLIL approach and to delve deeper into the methods and techniques that support the transfer of learning across language and subjects. Enhancing their scope of teaching methodologies and developing awareness of the importance of the pluriliteracy approach, they have been inspired and encouraged to share and implement new ideas into their working practice.
Zoran Apostolovski, local organiser
Macedonian version
На 18 и 19 септември 2023 година во просториите на Државното средно училиште - Регионален центар за стручно образование и обука „Киро Бурназ“ Куманово, се одржа дводневна работилница за обука и консултации „CLIL and beyond: pluriliteracies for deeper learning “. Работилницата беше организирана во рамките на соработката на ECML со Министерството за образование и наука на Северна Македонија како дел од програмата за обука и консултантски услуги за ECML за земјите-членки и беше реализирана од експертите за ECML Кевин Шук (Penta College CSG Jacob van Liesveldt, Холандија) и Летиција Чинганото (University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy).
Учесници на работилницата беа наставници од основните и средните училишта, меѓу кои наставници по странски јазици (англиски, француски, италијански и германски), наставници по македонски јазик и литература и наставници по општообразовни предмети (хемија, иновации, информатичка технологија, наука). Темата на работилницата беше внимателно изберена од страна на организаторот, бидејќи методологијата CLIL (Интегрирано изучување на јазици преку други наставни содржини) е сè попопуларна меѓу наставниците и учениците во Северна Македонија. Учесниците на работилницата имаа придобивки академската презентација на обучувачите и нивните методи, како и од нивното активно учество во активностите на работилницата. Овој настан им овозможи на учесниците преку практични вежби да се запознаат со основите на пристапот CLIL и да навлезат подлабоко во методите и техниките кои го поддржуваат преносот на учењето по јазик и предмети. Зголемувајќи го нивниот опсег на методологии за настава и развивајќи ја свеста за важноста на пристапот на плуриписменост, тие се инспирирани и охрабрени да споделуваат и имплементираат нови идеи во нивната секојдневна работа со учениците за постигнување уште подобри резултати во наставата.
Zoran Apostolovski, local organiser
CLIL and beyond: the Czech teachers shared their experience in a unique international education activity (10-11 May 2023, Prague)
Date and venue: 10-11 May 2023 (a 2-day face-to-face activity), Prague – National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic.
Local organiser: Martina Duničková, National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic – System for Supporting Professional Development of Teachers and Principals.
ECML experts: Dunja Chamberlain and Fréderic Taveau, International School of Geneva, Switzerland.
Participants: 31 participants: primary school teachers (10), secondary school teachers (18), university teachers (3). Among the participants there were teachers from 2 schools that will implement the CLIL method in their teaching. The participants of the workshop were members of the SYPO project (System for Supporting Professional Development of Teachers and Principals).
A unique international education activity led by experienced experts introduced the inspiring CLIL method and beyond to English and French language teachers as well as to subject teachers in the Czech Republic. The two-days face-to-face workshop proved very practical and full of elements of modern pedagogy that lead to the important theme of pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning. The participants received booklets with diverse ideas and innovative methods to help them change the traditional way their pupils and students think about learning to a more effective one without rote learning. The teachers went through all the processes of planning/preparation involved for teaching, including its implementation and evaluation.
This innovative format of educational activity is unparalleled in similar courses. The teachers who want to use the CLIL method or its elements in their teaching can implement it directly with the support of the ECML experts who kindly communicate with them.
The organisers believe the workshop was beneficial for the participants who will use the knowledge they have gained in their lessons and at their own schools. We trust there will be another opportunity to organise a follow-up activity in cooperation with the ECML.
Martina Duničková, local organiser
CLIL a něco navíc: čeští učitelé sdíleli své zkušenosti v ojedinělé mezinárodní vzdělávací aktivitě
Jedinečná mezinárodní aktivita vedená zkušenými lektory představila učitelům jak anglického a francouzského jazyka, tak vyučujícím nejazykových předmětů inspirující metodu CLIL a „něco navíc“. Dvoudenní prezenční workshop byl uchopen velmi prakticky a zahrnoval spoustu prvků moderní pedagogiky, z níž vycházejí změny vedoucí k přirozenému rozvoji gramotnosti ve více než jednom jazyce. Účastníci získali materiály, které jim nadále poslouží jako zásobníky rozmanitých nápadů a inovativních metod ke zefektivnění učení žáků a studentů. V průběhu workshopu si účastníci vyzkoušeli všechny fáze vyučování od plánování po reflexi.
Tento inovativní formát vzdělávací aktivity nemá obdobu. Učitelé, kteří chtějí metodu nebo její prvky implementovat přímo ve výuce, mohou požádat o konzultaci experty z Evropského centra pro moderní jazyky v Grazu, kteří s nimi laskavě zůstávají ve spojení.
Organizátoři pevně věří v přínos workshopu a využití osvojeného vědění ve vyučovacích hodinách zúčastněných pedagogů. Současně věří v možnost uspořádání další navazující aktivity ve spolupráci s Evropským centrem pro moderní jazyky v Grazu.
Martina Duničková, NPI ČR – Projekt SYPO
ECML training and consultancy event “CLIL and beyond: pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning” (Sulejówek, Poland, 5-6 June 2023)
Date: 5-6 June 2023
Venue: Training Centre in Sulejówek, Poland
Local organisation: Elżbieta Witkowska, Centre for Education Development / Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji
ECML experts: Susanne Staschen-Dielmann (Germany) and Dunja Chamberlain (Switzerland)
Participants: 24 teachers of English (primary and secondary schools), teachers of subjects other that a foreign language
The opportunity to host a workshop run by ECML experts is always a great advantage for participants – allowing them to enhance their knowledge in the area, to develop teaching skills, as well as serving to motivate them in their work. The workshop on “A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning” with Susanne Staschen-Dielmann and Dunja Chamberlain as moderators proved to be of a great value to the participants.
The content of the workshop is very relevant and up to date. Schools are no longer groups of homogeneous learners. Skills on how to modify teaching in order to address students’ needs is a pressing need. Although the target group represented various educational backgrounds (such as in-service teacher education institutions, primary and secondary school teachers of English and other non-language subjects) they all benefitted from the content presented and the activities carried out during the workshop. The ECML experts conducted a pre-workshop survey to learn about the participants’ teaching background and then prepared the materials that corresponded to the participants’ teaching contexts. This helped to set the ground work for the tasks effectively with out losing time during the event.Thanks to the trainers’ expertise, many years of practice and their dedication to their work, the participants returned home and went back to work inspired with new ideas and were encouraged to implement them in their own teaching.
The workshops led by ECML are always of the highest standard and provide great value, so do not hesitate to apply for one!
Elżbieta Witkowska, local organiser
(Polish version)
A Pluriliteracies Approach to Teaching for Learning – Centrum Szkoleniowe ORE, Sulejówek, Polska 5-6 czerwca, 2023
Warsztaty organizowane we współpracy Europejskiego Centrum Języków Nowożytnych (ECML) z Ośrodkiem Rozwoju Edukacji w Warszawie są zawsze doskonałą okazją dla uczestników do poszerzenia wiedzy i doskonalenia warsztatu pracy. Szkolenie A Pluriliteracies Approach to Teaching for Learning prowadziły dwie ekspertki ECML: dr Susanne Staschen-Dielmann and Dunja Chamberlain, które zadbały o perfekcyjne przygotowanie materiałów dedykowanych do potrzeb uczestników spotkania.
W szkoleniu wzięli udział przedstawiciele różnych środowisk związanych z edukacją: doradcy metodyczni, nauczyciele konsultanci oraz nauczyciele języka obcego oraz przedmiotów niejęzykowych szkół podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych. Sesje zostały zaplanowane tak, aby umożliwić jak najpełniejsze zapoznanie się z wiedzą na temat integracji edukacji przedmiotowej i językowej, zgodnie z potrzebami uczniów, jak również zaplanowano przestrzeń na dzielenie się doświadczeniem i dobrą praktyką. Ekspertki, przygotowały dla uczestników materiały, które wykorzystywane były w trakcje wykonywania ćwiczeń, ale będą również pomocne w przygotowywaniu materiałów na własne lekcje. Eksperci zaprezentowali tematykę w sposób przystępny, łącząc materiały teoretyczne z treściami praktycznymi. Uczestnicy mieli okazję pracować w grupach, dzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami i dobrą praktyką oraz poznać techniki i strategie pracy wspomagające nauczania treści przedmiotowych poprzez język angielski. Dzięki doświadczeniu ekspertek, uczestnicy poczuli się zainspirowani nowymi pomysłami i zachęceni do wdrażania ich we własnym nauczaniu.
Warsztaty prowadzone przez ECML mają zawsze najwyższy standard i wartość, dlatego zawsze warto się o nie ubiegać!
Elżbieta Witkowska, organizator wydarzenia ze strony Ośrodka Rozwoju Edukacji
ECML training and consultancy event in Belgium : A ‘Pluriliteracies’ approach to language teaching and learning (26-27 April 2023, Brussels)
Date and venue: 26-27 April 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Local organisation: Karine Dekeukelaere, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
ECML experts: Frédéric Taveau and Dunja Chamberlain, Switzerland
Participants: 38 CLIL language and subject teachers (primary and secondary levels), pedagogical advisors, subject and language inspectors, CLIL professor at university level
Language immersion teaching (CLIL) is very popular in Belgium, with many young people wanting to enrol. However, they run the risk of being turned away, on the one hand, because places are limited and, on the other, as there are too few teachers. In addition many of the teachers who have embarked on this pathway are faced with the challenge of preparing a variety of materials to help their young audience to grasp not only the language of instruction, but also the content of the subjects studied. School audiences also come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. However, this challenge can become an asset when it comes to promoting the language of schooling, the language of the 'Language Immersion' class and the language(s) acquired in the home environment, by promoting pluriliteracies.
Thanks to the two-day workshop, moderated by ECML experts, the teachers, teacher trainers, educational advisers and inspectors present were able to improve and strengthen the quality of their interventions through a dynamic supported by the sharing of practical tools, illustrative videos, in-depth explanations of the theory, and exchanges between professionals around this teaching. And, above all, a pro-active approach to discovering the benefits of pluriliteracies.
Karine Dekeukelaere based on the presentations of Dunja Chamberlain and Frédéric Taveau
Series of 48 language education workshops in member states
The European Centre for Modern Languages is launching a series of 48 national training and consultancy workshops . The workshops which are hosted in member states offer a wide range of European expertise in language education and are adapted to the concrete needs and specific contexts within individual countries. This year represents the highest ever number of events organised according to this format by the ECML and reflects the increasing popularity of the Centre’s training and consultancy activities.
25 of the events will take place within the framework of the “Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning” cooperation action between the ECML and the European Commission. These activities, covering member states of the ECML and the European Union, focus on Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG), Supporting Multilingual Classrooms and Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning
The other 23 events targeting the member states of the ECML focus on the following areas: Action research communities, CLIL and beyond – pluriliteracies, Language for work, Language of schooling in subject learning, Plurilingual and intercultural approaches (CARAP/FREPA), The ROADMAP – a self-assessment tool to foster school development, Setting up learning environments where modern languages flourish.
The events combine professional input from the ECML and expertise in the member state to initiate quality developments – the workshops can assist in change processes in language education at local, regional and national levels. The first of the events, a RELANG workshop, will take place at the Lithuanian National Agency for Education in Vilnius on 7-9 March.
Training and consultancy for ECML member states: network meeting for ECML training teams and national local organisers (Graz, 27 January 2023)
The ECML offers its member states European expertise in language education adapted to the concrete needs and specific contexts within individual countries.
On 26 January 2023, seven training and consultancy (TaC) teams exchanged their experience in the field of:
- Action research communities,
- CLIL and beyond – pluriliteracies,
- Language for work,
- Language of schooling in subject learning,
- Plurilingual and intercultural approaches (CARAP/FREPA),
- The ROADMAP - a self-assessment tool to foster school development,
- Setting up learning environments where modern languages flourish (online presentation),
focusing on highlights, challenges and learning opportunities, and conclusions for 2023 activities.
The network meeting with the local organisers from Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic and Slovenia took place on 27 January. The participants got an overview of the TaC offers and their benefits from previous experience, national contexts and needs, and the ECML support provided. Individual meetings took place for local organisers with the TaC teams to discuss the organisation and arrangements of their national events planned this year.
In 2023 the ECML will conduct 23 training events in 17 member states:
Action research communities (ARC): |
Luxembourg, Montenegro, Norway |
Language for work (LfW): |
Luxembourg |
Plurilingual and intercultural approaches (FREPA): |
Greece, Malta, Serbia, Slovak Republic |
Supporting the language(s) of schooling (ROADMAP): |
France, Germany, Poland |
CLIL and beyond: |
Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, NorthMacedonia, Poland |
Language of schooling in subject learning (LiS): |
Malta, Slovenia, Belgium |
Setting up learning environments where modern languages flourish (EOL): |
Armenia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece |
In addition, up to 25 workshops will be organised in ECML and EU member states through the Centre’s cooperation action with the European Commission – these will be announced shortly.
Photo gallery
CLIL: A rewarding challenge
Date of the event: 27-28 October 2022
Format of the event: Training workshop, webinar
Local organiser of the event: Rodica Diana Cherciu, Ministry of Education with the support of Teachers’ Training Centre – Arad
ECML experts:Letizia Cinganotto (Italy) and Kevin Schuck (Netherlands)
Participants: 27 teachers
- Foreign language teachers teaching in bilingual/intensive classes – high school level
- Teachers of non-linguistic subjects at bilingual/intensive classes – high school level
- Teacher educators
- Foreign language inspectors (who endorse elective studies in foreign languages)
The webinar “CLIL and beyond: pluriliteracies for deeper learning” has offered an innovative professional experience in the field of modern languages as a vehicle for making visible and further fostering students’ literacy in various non-linguistic fields. Beyond the theoretical perspectives, CLIL is perhaps one of the most challenging approaches that stimulates didactic creativity, out-of-the -box and critical thinking at the same time, challenging teachers’ mastery in turning language into a tool for deepening, connecting and transferring knowledge.
What ECML offers foreign language teachers, especially through its training workshops, together with the publications, toolkits, and webinars, represents a key stage in the process of capitalising the potential of modern languages within the context of the increasingly growing demand for an education tailored to meet the challenges of an ongoing changing society.
Rodica Diana Cherciu
Ministerul Educației
You can further explore the work of the ECML in this field here:
Romanian version
CLIL – O provocare care răsplătește
Atelierul “CLIL and beyond: Pluriliteracies for deeper learning” a oferit o experiență profesională novatoare în domeniul studiului limbilor moderne, vizualizate ca instrumente de stimulare și facilitare a alfabetizării elevilor în diferite alte domenii științifice. Dincolo de perspectivele teoretice, CLIL reprezintă poate unul dintre cele mai provocatoare exerciții care solicită creativitatea didactică, gândirea critică, provocând măiestria profesorului în transformarea limbii într-un instrument de aprofundare, de relaționare și de transfer al cunoștințelor.
Ceea ce ECML pune la dispoziția profesorilor de limbi moderne, cu precădere prin oferta de programe de formare, alături de publicații, webinarii și alte resurse deschise, reprezintă un pas înainte pentru valorificarea potențialului limbilor moderne la maximum, în contextul cerinței din ce în ce mai mari ca educația să răspundă provocărilor unei societăți în continuă transformare.
Rodica Diana Cherciu
Ministerul Educației
An approach to language teaching and learning through ‘Pluriliteracies’ (6-7 October 2022, Brussels)
Local organiser of this ECML training and consultancy: Karine Dekeukelaere, Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
ECML experts: Dunja Chamberlain and Frederic Taveau, International School of Geneva, Switzerland
Date and venue of the event: 6-7 October 2022, Brussels, Belgium
Participants: +/- 30 primary and secondary (language and CLIL) teachers; pedagogical advisors for language and CLIL teaching; teacher trainers, CLIL coordinators from all school nets and from Flanders and French and German speaking Belgium.
Language Immersion Teaching (CLIL) is a very popular approach in Belgium. Many young people desire to enroll in such programmes, running the risk of not being accepted due to the limited amount of spaces available and the lack of teachers. Many teachers who take on this kind of project face the challenge of preparing a variety materials to help their young audience acquire not only the language of instruction but also the content of the subjects studied. Moreover, the interested students come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, which also adds to the degree of difficulty. This challenge can nevertheless become an asset when it comes to valuing the language of schooling, that of the Linguistic Immersion class, and the language(s) acquired in the students‘ family environments by approaching these situations through the perspective of Pluriliteracies.
Thanks to the two-day workshop, facilitated by ECML experts, teachers, teacher trainers and pedagogical advisors can improve and strengthen the quality of their interventions. This will be done through a dynamic process of practical tool sharing, illustrative videos, in-depth explanations of the theory, and exchanges between professionals in the field. And above all, through an active approach to discovering the benefits of Pluriliteracies.
Make sure not to miss this workshop!
Authors: Karine Dekeukelaere according to Dunja Chamberlain and Frédéric Taveau
You can further explore the work of the ECML in this field here:
Just published: Pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning
In their book Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning, Do Coyle (University of Edinburgh, UK) and Oliver Meyer (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany) propose a new 'pluriliteracies' approach which refines and develops current thinking in CLIL and show how to put that understanding into practice. This resource will be valuable to both academics and education practitioners.
The book is based on the work of the ECML on “A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning”, among others.
- Coyle D. & Meyer O. (2021), Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning, Cambride University Press: description and key features
You can further explore the work of the ECML in this field here:
The teachers from the Pilsen Region and other teachers of chosen schools had a unique opportunity to get to know CLIL
Local organisation: Krajský úřad Plzeňského kraje, Odbor školství, mládeže a sportu / The Regional Authority of the Pilsen Region, Department of Education, Youth and Sport;
Landesversammlung der deutschen Vereine in der Tschechischen Republik e.V.
ECML experts: Kevin Schuck, The Netherlands; Susanne Staschen-Dielmann, United Kingdom.
Participants: 65 teachers of basic and secondary schools.
The participants had the opportunity to get to know CLIL in an interactive and interesting format. The workshop was pedagogical and didactical and full of elements of modern pedagogy. It provided insights into formative evaluation and very precise planning including the focus of a lesson, types of evaluation, methods used and organisational formats. These formats included approaches for all the pupils and students; they are supposed to reflect on the subject matter rather than focusing only on memory reproduction.
For German teachers and teachers who want to use German in a CLIL approach, this workshop was a unique opportunity. Most similar courses are based on English and German teachers have to redesign and adapt everything individually. We hope it will be possible to follow up on this meeting and support them in their further work.
We believe that the workshop was of great value to all participants and that they will use the knowledge they have gained in their lessons at schools.
We also hope that we will have further opportunities to organise other interesting workshops within the theme of modern languages.
Alexandra Weberová and Barbora Štychová, The Regional Authority of the Pilsen Region
Zuzana Svobodová, representative of Landesversammlung der deutschen Vereine in der Tschechischen Republik e.V.
CLIL and beyond pluriliteracies for deeper learning: how teachers can create learning pathways for their students
Local organisers of the ECML training and consultancy event:
Prešovská univerzita, Štátny pedagogický ústav, Univerzita Mateja Bela, Trnavská univerzita, Slovak Republic - Zuzana Strakov, Silvia Pokrivčákov, Dana Hanesová, Beáta Menzlová
Dates, format, participants:
Day 1: 21 January 2021, MS Teams, 204 participants
Day 2: 16 February 2021, online workshop, MS Teams (German section), Zoom (English section), 120 participants
Background of the participants: English and German language teachers, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary teachers
“Pluriliteracies for deeper learning” shows teachers and materials' developers ways of fostering deep learning by paying attention to the development of students’ subject specific literacies as well as their conceptual understanding and automatisation of subject-specific procedures, skills and strategies. By communicating about their evolving understanding in increasingly sophisticated ways, students internalise their understanding and ways of acting and thinking. “Pluriliteracies for deeper learning” not only makes the links between content and language learning visible, but it also shows how teachers can create learning trajectories, taking students’ current abilities as a starting point and tracing their progress along the learning pathway. Participants in the workshop benefit mainly by sharing their experience and considering “other” ways of thinking which can help to find new possibilities to support deep learning in their classroom.
Zuzana Straková, Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov (local organiser of this event)
Slovak version
Obsahovo a jazykovo integrované vzdelávanie a rozvoj funkčnej aviacnásobnej gramotnosti pre hĺbkové učenie
Rozvoj funkčnej aviacnásobnej gramotnosti umožňuje učiteľom a tvorcom učebných materiálov vnímať rôzne možnosti podpory hĺbkového učenia (deep learning) tým, že sa venuje pozornosť rozvoju špecifických gramotností študentov, ako aj ich koncepčnému porozumeniu a automatizácii postupov, zručností a stratégií uplatňovaných v jednotlivých predmetoch. Tým, že študenti komunikujú o svojom rozvíjajúcom sa porozumení čoraz sofistikovanejšími spôsobmi, internalizujú toto chápanie, spôsoby konania a myslenia. Tento prístup pomáha študentom zreteľnejšie vnímať prepojenie medzi obsahom a jazykom, ale tiež učiteľom vytvoriť podmienky pre ich zmysluplný a kontinuálny rozvoj. Účastníci seminára sa prostredníctvom zdieľania vlastných skúseností a uvedomovania si viacerých možností rôznych prístupov k vytýčeným cieľom obohacujú o rozšírené obzory, ktoré im umožnia vnímať vlastný kontext z viacerých uhlov a hľadať možnosti pre prieniky do hĺbkového učenia.
Zuzana Straková
CLIL and beyond - a pluriliteracies approach for deeper learning: ECML training and consultancy workshop for Denmark
Date: 29-30 November 2019
Venue: Copenhagen, Comfort Hotel Copenhagen
Participants: 27 language teachers from all educational levels, teacher trainers and university teachers/researchers
Local organisers: Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska and Anne Sofie Jakobsen
ECML experts: Do Coyle and Kevin Schuck
On 29-30 November 2019, the ECML Contact Point Denmark, the Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages invited ECML experts Do Coyle and Kevin Schuck in Copenhagen to provide a training and consultancy workshop on CLIL and beyond - a pluriliteracies approach for deeper learning.
In the workshop, language teachers from different educational levels and teacher trainers discussed their needs and challenges regarding the use of CLIL approach in the language classroom. CLIL concepts and methods were presented and teachers reflected on techniques for achieving sustainability of results related to the integration of CLIL approach. Participants explored different videos, materials and lesson plans available on the website, A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning and they prepared activities and tasks based on these tools. They shared their experiences with other participants and discussed what makes a successful activity. Both days were a good combination of theory and practical tasks. Some materials from the CLIL and Pluriliteracies approach project and the workshop will be adapted/modified to fit a particular institutional context.
The participants were encouraged to send project proposals to the Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages based on implementation of CLIL and a pluriliteracies approach for learning. The National Centre organised a follow-up seminar on 3 June 2020 with participants to discuss their experience with CLIL and pluriliteracies approach six months after the training. We encouraged the participants to establish a national network for CLIL and a pluriliteracies approach for deeper learning and one part of network’s activities could be financed by the The Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages. These activities are a part of our strategy to enhance the impact of the ECML workshops in Denmark.
Learn more about A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning here.
Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska (local organiser),
Aarhus University,
The Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages, ECML Contact Point Denmark
More information about the ECML training and consultancy offer for member states is available here and on the local Danish website.
A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning: ECML workshop (5-6 December 2019, Sulejówek, Poland)
Venue: Sulejówek Training Centre, Sulejówek, Poland.
Local organiser: Elżbieta Witkowska, Education Development Center / Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji
ECML trainers: Dunja Chamberlain and Frédéric Taveau, Switzerland.
Participants: 24 teacher consultants, methodology advisors, English teachers, teachers of non-language subjects in primary and upper secondary schools.
The opportunity to have a workshop run by ECML experts is always a great advantage for participants to learn something new and to enhance teaching skills and get more motivated in work. The workshop on “A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning” with Dunja Chamberlain and Frederic Taveau as experts was undoubtedly of a great value for the participants.
Although the target group represented various educational backgrounds (such as in-service teacher training institutions, primary and secondary school teachers of English and other non-language subjects), the particpants all benefitted from the content presented and the activities carried out during the workshop. The ECML experts prepared the materials that were used druing the activities, but they will also be invaluable for the participants while planning activities for their students or preparing workshops for their colleagues. Due to the trainers’ expertise, many years of practice and their dedication to work, the participants went back home, inspired with new ideas for their work and encouraged to implement them in their own teaching practice.
The workshops led by ECML are always of the greatest standards and value, so it is always worth applying for one!
Elżbieta Witkowska, local organiser
Polish version
Warsztaty organizowane we współpracy z ECML, prowadzone przez wybitnych ekspertów z danej dziedziny są zawsze doskonałą okazją do zdobywania nowej wiedzy i doskonalenia warsztatu pracy. Szkolenie Pluriliteracies Approach to Teaching for Learning prowadzone przez trenerów ECML -Dunję Chamberlain and Frederica Taveau również było znakomitą okazją do zapoznania się z nowymi pomysłami na nauczanie, tym razem w systemie dwujęzycznym, tak aby było on efektywne. Eksperci, przygotowali dla uczestników materiały, które wykorzystywane były w trakcje wykonywania ćwiczeń , ale będą również pomocne w przygotowywaniu własnych warsztatów bądź lekcji w szkole. Eksperci zaprezentowali tematykę w sposób przystępny, łącząc wiadomości teoretyczne z treściami praktycznymi. Uczestnicy mieli okazję pracować w grupach, dzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami oraz poznać techniki i strategie pracy wspomagające nauczania treści przedmiotowych poprzez język angielski.
Nasza instytucja po raz kolejny miała okazję do zorganizowania warsztatów we współpracy z ECML i po raz kolejny okazały się one ogromnym sukcesem, a uczestnicy wrócili do domu zainspirowani nowymi pomysłami.
"Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) - A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning": workshop results (16-17 May 2019, Larissa, Greece)
Date: 16-17 May 2019
Venue: Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa-Museum G.I. Katsigra, Larissa, Greece
Local organiser: Marina Kollatou, Head Teacher of 3rd Senior High of Larissa, President of English Teachers’ Association of Larissa
ECML experts: Dunja Chamberlain and Frédéric Taveau
Participants: 38 teachers of different subjects, head teachers, coordinators of education.
A two-day workshop titled “Content and language integrated learning – A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning” took place in Larissa, Greece on 16-17 May 2019. The workshop was organised in the framework of ECML’s cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Directorate of European and International Relations.
The workshop participants greatly benefited from the trainers’ presentations, materials, resources and activities as well as from their own active participation in classroom activities simulations, discussions and group work. More specifically, they enhanced their scope of teaching approaches, they developed awareness of the value of the pluriliteracies approach for the development of academic literacies and transferable skills of learners and realized the importance of the teacher’s mindset in the teaching and learning process. They became aware of the fact that the pluriliteracies approach enables teachers to facilitate deep learning across languages, disciplines and cultures for all learners, including those who do not speak the official language spoken in the school (Greek, in our case), thus enhancing their performance in the different subjects and acquiring a good command of academic language.
Finally, participants were encouraged to seek for opportunities offered by ECML ( to broaden their knowledge on modern pedagogies, expand their teaching practices and take advantage of the ECML resources.
Marina Kollatou, local organiser
Related links
Greek version
Διήμερο εργαστήριο με θέμα «Ολοκληρωμένη Διδασκαλία Γλώσσας και Περιεχομένου (CLIL)
Μια μέθοδος ανάπτυξης πολυγραμματισμών για ουσιαστική μάθηση» πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Λάρισα στις 16-17 Μαΐου 2019. Το εργαστήριο διοργανώθηκε στο πλαίσιο συνεργασίας του Ευρωπαϊκού Κέντρου Σύγχρονων Γλωσσών του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης (ECML) και της Διεύθυνσης Ευρωπαϊκών και Διεθνών Σχέσεων του Ελληνικού Υπουργείου Παιδείας, Έρευνας και Θρησκευμάτων.
Το εργαστήριο ήταν εξαιρετικά χρήσιμο για τους εκπαιδευτικούς που συμμετείχαν καθώς τα οφέλη που αποκόμισαν ήταν πολλά σύμφωνα με τις μαρτυρίες τους. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, με τις παρουσιάσεις, τις δραστηριότητες, το υλικό που χρησιμοποίησαν οι εκπαιδευτές αλλά και με την ενεργό συμμετοχή τους στις συζητήσεις, στις ομαδικές εργασίες, στις προσομοιώσεις δραστηριοτήτων της τάξης, οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν την δυνατότητα να διευρύνουν τις παιδαγωγικές τους μεθόδους, να αντιληφθούν την αξία της διδασκαλίας των πολυγραμματισμών για την ανάπτυξη της ακαδημαϊκής γλώσσας και των δεξιοτήτων εκείνων που μπορούν να μεταφέρονται από μάθημα σε μάθημα. Επίσης, είχαν την ευκαιρία να συνειδητοποιήσουν το πόσο σημαντικό ρόλο στη μαθησιακή διαδικασία παίζει η στάση του εκπαιδευτικού.
Αντιλήφθηκαν ότι η μέθοδος των πολυγραμματισμών προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα στους εκπαιδευτικούς να διευκολύνουν την εμβάθυνση στη μάθηση γενικά, είτε πρόκειται για γλώσσα, επιστήμη, πολιτισμό, πράγμα που έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τη βελτίωση της επίδοσης και στη γλώσσα και στα διάφορα γνωστικά αντικείμενα, όχι μόνο των μαθητών που έχουν μητρική τη γλώσσα που ομιλείται στο σχολείο αλλά και των αλλόγλωσσων μαθητών.
Τέλος οι συμμετέχοντες παροτρύνθηκαν να αναζητούν και να αξιοποιούν της ευκαιρίες που προσφέρονται από το Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Σύγχρονων Γλωσσών ( για να επικαιροποιήσουν τις γνώσεις τους σε θέματα διδακτικής και παιδαγωγικής και να εκμεταλλευτούν το υλικό και τις εκδόσεις που είναι αναρτημένα στον ιστότοπο του Κέντρου (
Preparing the 2019 series of ECML training and consultancy workshops in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Greece, and Poland
The ECML expert team of the activity “A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning” discussed details of their 2019 training workshops with local organisers from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Greece, and Poland at the ECML in Graz.
More information on the individual training sessions will soon be available on the dedicated website.
ECML national training event in Montenegro: „Beyond CLIL – A Pluriliteracies approach to teaching and learning“ (Podgorica, 4-5 October 2018)
Date: 4-5 October 2018
Venue: Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
Local organiser: Nataša Perić, Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro
ECML experts: Do Coyle and Kevin Schuck
Participants: 26 teachers of all subjects, presidents of teachers associations, advisors from the Examination Centre and supervisors from the Bureau for Education Services
On 4 and 5 October 2018, the Bureau for Education Services, with the expert support of the European Centre for Modern Languages, organised a workshop Integrated content and language learning (CLIL). Class and subject teachers from primary and secondary schools that are implementing bilingual education programmes, advisors from the Examination Centre and supervisors from the Bureau for Education attended the training programme.
Integrated learning of content and language is one of the current issues when it comes to improving learning and teaching, but also to promoting multilingualism, as one of the policy principles of the European unity. The aim of this two-day training programme was to familiarize teachers with activities and methods whose implementation in the classroom will enable students to acquire not only professional, but also good linguistic and communicative competences.
The workshop was facilitated by two members of the ECML’s CLIL team, Kevin Schuck and Do Coyle and observed by Letizia Cinganotto, a researcher in the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research from Rome, who presented the School Education Gateway which is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.
For more information about the ECML training and consultancy activity, you can visit the dedicated ECML website.
Nataša Perić, Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro
U organizaciji Zavoda za školstvo, uz ekspertsku podršku Evropskog centra za moderne jezike iz Graca, 4. i 5. oktobra 2018. godine, u Zavodu za školstvo, održan je seminar Integrisano učenje sadržaja i jezika (CLIL).
Program obuke su pohađali nastavnici razredne i predmetne nastave iz osnovnih i srednjih škola u kojima se realizuje dvojezična nastava, savjetnici iz Ispitnog Centra i nadzornici iz Zavoda za školstvo.
Integrisano učenje sadržaja i jezika je jedna od aktuelnih tema kada je riječ o unapređenju nastave, ali o 4 promovisanju višejezičnosti, kao principa politike evropskog jedinstva. Cilj ovog dvodnevnog programa obuke bio je upoznati nastavnike sa aktivnostima i metodama čijom će primjenom učenicima omogućiti sticanje, ne samo stručnih kompetencija i ovladavanje stručnom terminologijom, nego i dobru jezičku i komunikacijsku kompetenciju.
Voditelji seminara su eksperti Evropskog centra za moderne jezike Kevin Schuck i Do Coyle, dok je seminar pratila Letizia Cinganotto, istraživač u Ministarstvu za obrazovanje i istraživanje iz Rima, koja je učesnicima predstavila Teacher Academy i online platformu School Education Gateway.
Više informacija o projektu i resurse možete naći na sljedećem sajtu
A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning – ECML training and consultancy offers for 2019: apply until 4 November 2018!
Are you looking for ways to increase your students’ subject performance and their command of academic language or of the language of schooling?
This ECML activity addresses the development of subject literacies and transferable skills in contexts where learners are operating in more than one language, e.g. education of migrant children, content and language integrated learning (CLIL):
Content and Language Integrated Learning |
A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning
The pluriliteracies approach will enable workshop participants to facilitate deep learning across languages, disciplines and cultures and it will provide ideas for adapting teaching approaches and materials to facilitate deep learning.
This offer is targeted at teachers, teacher trainers and curriculum writers and provides training courses and workshops to design material, reflect on teaching and learning, and plan learning sequences.
ECML experts in language education work with national authorities and local experts to devise and implement in-country activities, tailored to the particular context and target audience.
If you are looking for input for an in-service training to develop the professional skills of language educators or are in need of consultancy to advance local, regional or national reform processes and to meet international standards, take a closer look at what the ECML has on offer. Information on offers and the 2019 request form are available online:
Requests for a training and consultancy activity must be submitted via the national ECML representative in the Governing Board. Educational professionals interested in organising a particular activity should therefore contact their national representative.
Deadline for submission of requests by the ECML Governing Board member: 4 November 2018