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Ireland: One school, many languages – Creating an environment where all languages are valued – A toolkit for schools
Online workshop in Poland on "Language of schooling in subject learning": a practical support for teachers in planning lessons and designing teaching materials
Online ECML training and consultancy training workshop "Language of schooling in subject learning: Identifying and integrating linguistic and subject objectives – hands-on training sessions"
Dates: 29 October 2020 and 12 February 2021
Local organisation: Centre for Education Development (ORE), Warsaw, Poland; Elżbieta Witkowska
Participants: 16 teacher consultants, methodology advisors, English teachers, teachers of non-language subjects (e.g. History, Geography) in primary and upper secondary schools
In these challenging times of COVID-19, the workshop was run in two online sessions by ECML experts: Guillaume Grave Rousseau and Jérôme Béliard. The target group represented various professional environments (such as teacher training institutions, primary and secondary schools with bilingual education classes), but the way the sessions were prepared enabled all participants to benefit from the content presented and the activities conducted in the workshop. The activities included a lot of group work during which everyone could share both teaching experience and good practice, learn how to integrate linguistic and subject objectives and how to implement these into classroom work. The teaching tools presented will also be invaluable for the participants while planning activities for their students especially now, when most schools are closed and teaching is held online. A variety of tools that help identify learners’ language needs in subject learning together with scaffolding techniques will serve as a practical support for teachers in planning lessons and designing teaching materials.
Due to the trainers’ expertise, the participants felt inspired by the new ideas presented and encouraged to implement them in their own teaching.
The workshops led by ECML are always of a very high standard and great value, so it is always worth applying for one!
Elżbieta Witkowska
Polish version
Warsztaty organizowane we współpracy Europejskiego Centrum Języków Nowożytnych z Ośrodkiem Rozwoju Edukacji w Warszawie są zawsze doskonałą okazją dla uczestników do zdobywania nowej wiedzy i doskonalenia warsztatu pracy. Szkolenie Language of schooling in subject learning: Identifying and integrating linguistic and subject objectives – hands-on training sessions prowadzone przez trenerów ECML - Guillaume Grave Rousseau i Jérôme Béliarda ze względu na sytuację epidemiczną covid 19 odbyło się w formie dwóch sesji online 29.10.2020 oraz 12.02.2021 r. W spotkaniach wzięli udział przedstawiciele różnych środowisk związanych z edukacją: doradcy metodyczni, nauczyciele konsultanci oraz nauczyciele szkół podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych zaangażowani w tematykę nauczania dwujęzycznego. Sesje zostały zaplanowane tak, aby umożliwić jak najpełniejsze zapoznanie się z wiedzą na temat integracji edukacji przedmiotowej i językowej, jak również zaplanowano przestrzeń na dzielenie się doświadczeniem i dobrą praktyką. Eksperci, przygotowali dla uczestników materiały, które wykorzystywane były w trakcje wykonywania ćwiczeń, ale będą również pomocne w przygotowywaniu materiałów na własne lekcje stacjonarne, ale i te prowadzone zdalnie. Eksperci zaprezentowali tematykę w sposób przystępny, łącząc materiały teoretyczne z treściami praktycznymi. Uczestnicy mieli okazję pracować w grupach, dzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami i dobrą praktyką oraz poznać techniki i strategie pracy wspomagające nauczania treści przedmiotowych poprzez język angielski.
Dzięki doświadczeniu trenerów, uczestnicy poczuli się zainspirowani nowymi pomysłami i zachęceni do wdrażania ich we własnym nauczaniu.
Warsztaty prowadzone przez ECML mają zawsze najwyższy standard i wartość, dlatego zawsze warto się o nie ubiegać!
Elżbieta Witkowska
Take part in the webinar "Covid-19 and language education: Making home schooling motivating and fun”

ECML webinar for parents/carers, teachers and others involved in supporting the home learning of children and young people, especially those whose first language is not necessarily the language of schooling
Dr. Déirdre Kirwan
The Covid pandemic continues to dominate our lives and although schools in some countries are open again, there are still many young people who are learning from home, on a full or part-time basis. Linking to the theme of learner autonomy from the previous ECML webinar, Covid-19 and language education: Two challenges, one response, this latest webinar will focus on resources for the home-schooling of children and young people and how these can be successfully adapted to meet the needs of learners whose first language is not the language of schooling.
Déirdre Kirwan, ECML expert within the project Inspiring Language Learning – why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3 to 12 years and co-author of Engaging with Linguistic Diversity: A Study of Educational Inclusion in an Irish Primary School (2019), will present a range of practical ideas, many of them from the ECML’s Treasure Chest of Resources for learners, parents and teachers, which help ensure that home learning:
- is learner-centred, motivating and fun for everyone involved
- develops learners’ plurilingual repertoires - not only the language of schooling, but foreign languages and children’s home languages
- supports young people’s wellbeing despite social isolation
- gives parents/carers confidence in supporting their children’s learning
- includes self-management tools to develop learner autonomy and track progress
Please note: the webinar will be held in English only