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    CLIL teaching materials

CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences

The overall aim of the project is to create CLIL teaching materials for different language and subject combinations that help secondary school learners develop 21st-century competences that are needed to engage critically with the kind of global challenges addressed through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Working languages of the project: English, German
Project term: 2024-2026
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/CLILteachingmaterials
Administration: view page

Why this project is needed

One of the top priorities in ECML member states is to develop 21st-century competences that seek to address global challenges in CLIL classrooms. In this project, global challenges are defined in terms of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

CLIL materials to promote secondary school learners’ engagement with these goals as well as the 21st-century competences needed to contribute to the realisation of these goals are currently lacking. 

A teacher’s guide that explicates the educational and methodological principles and quality criteria underlying the development of such teaching materials is also highly needed. Such a guide can support teachers who wish to use the model materials developed within the framework of this project purposefully and to create new materials appropriate to their context. 

Envisaged project results

Teaching materials
CLIL materials for different language and subject combinations that develop 21st-century competences related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Teacher’s guide
Setting the scene by introducing the central concepts of the project, such as ‘United Nations Sustainability Goals’, ‘21st-century competences’, and ‘CLIL’;
Presentation of developed materials and explication of the criteria and principles underlying the materials. 
Templates and resources for the development of the teacher’s own materials.

Forthcoming events


Apr 2025

ECML programme 2024-2027
Network meeting for project coordinators of the ECML programme 2024-2027
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Sep 2025

CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences
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Dec 2025

CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences
Expert meeting
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Target groups

The project is addressing teachers of all subjects in secondary education who are applying CLIL approaches in their teaching. Secondary school pupils are the ultimate beneficiaries of the resources developed by the project team

Educational levels concerned

Secondary education 

Key terms

CLIL 21st century competences sustainable development goals teaching materials teacher’s guide

Latest news items

CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences: brief progress report

CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences | CLIL-Lehrmaterialien für die Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts – Expert meeting (Graz, 27-29 February 2024)

How to get involved

Workshop, 17-18 September 2025

Workshop description

During the workshop, the model CLIL teaching materials will be shared and discussed with the workshop participants. The expected outputs of the workshop are improved teaching materials that can be adapted to each workshop participant’s teaching context, as well as ideas for new teaching materials for subject-and-language combinations and/or United Nations sustainable development goals. 

Similarly, a draft version of the teacher’s guide will be shared and discussed with the workshop participants. The expected output here is feedback on the teacher’s guide, which will be used to improve it. After the meeting, workshop participants will pilot the teaching materials and the teacher’s guide and send their feedback to the project coordinator, in writing or in the format of a video clip. 

Participants’ profile 

Participants can be CLIL teachers or CLIL teacher educators. Their background can be in different subjects (e.g., history, physics) and languages (e.g., CLIL English, CLIL French, CLIL German, CLIL etc.). 

If possible, participants should be members of professional networks and have the capacity to disseminate the findings of the workshop.

Do you wish to participate?

Individuals with a special interest and professional background in the topic of this particular project are invited to take up contact with the ECML National Nominating Authority in their country so that they can be considered for participation in the corresponding project workshop.

Project team

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
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Website correspondent
University of Oviedo
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Second language documentalist
University of Vienna
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Communications officer
University of Gothenburg
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Associate partners

2 College and Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs, The Netherlands