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"Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches" – ECML project developments in early 2021: Teaching competences needed – First teacher education units – Workshop in 2021

Author: Catherine Seewald/20 December 2020/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2020-2023, Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches

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The team’s work, in this very peculiar year, was carried out entirely online. The workshop originally planned for December was postponed to 2021 and the team focused its work on the further development of its tools.

Sequences of tasks and scenarios for teacher education which foster the development of competences for pluralistic approaches

The team is creating examples of sequences of tasks that can be directly used or adapted in initial and further teacher education. These ready-to-use units will also be accompanied by scenarios - generic tools designed to support teacher educators to create their own materials.

Definition of the teaching competences needed for the implementation of plurilingual and intercultural education through pluralistic approaches

Having identified a number of specific teacher competences for pluralistic approaches, we are focusing on their interconnection with the taxonomy produced as part of the project "Guide to teaching competences for languages in education", coordinated by Lukas Bleichenbacher in the 2016-2019 programme. The aim is that the work produced by our team will provide a specific complement for pluralistic approaches that fits clearly into this framework. Having finalized the dimension of principles and professional values specific for pluralistic approaches, we are now working on the formulation and organization of the following dimensions: linguistic and communicative, metalinguistic, metacommunicative and metacultural competences, competences related to the use of information and communication technologies, didactic competences, competences necessary for one’s own development, competences to cooperate with other actors in the educational sphere.

The team has also tested dynamic modes of online presentation of the defined competences in a global and detailed way.

We are thus preparing to share and discuss our work with the participants in the workshop to be held in the autumn of 2021, so that we can benefit from feedback on the use they could make of it in their contexts and set up a network that will be involved in the following reflections and productions and in the dissemination of the project.

Brigitte Gerber, project coordinator

  • ECML project website "Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches – Training and reflection tools for teachers and teacher educators" (available in English and French) : www.ecml.at/pluralisticteachercompetences


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