Date: 8-9 May 2017
Venue: 10th Gymnasio, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece
Local organiser: Chryssa Laskaridou, Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education Central, Thessaloniki
Participants: 29 school advisors and foreign language teachers in primary education
The ECML workshop gave 29 school advisors and foreign language teachers in primary education the opportunity to become familiar the plurilingual approach and its importance in language teaching and in education, in general. The event also provided information on the descriptors which can be used to design new materials. Although the participants were familiar with the plurilingual approach, the workshop was an excellent opportunity for them to have a hands-on experience in the use of the FREPA descriptors.
This workshop is of interest to all teachers working in primary or secondary education and to the people involved in materials design, curriculum development and language policy.