Our project workshop took place 16-17 November 2022 in Graz. From the perspective of the 25 participants, the workshop’s main objectives were to:
- be introduced to the field of CLIL LOTE transitions;
- become familiar and reflect on guiding principles for CLIL LOTE and recommendations for CLIL LOTE transitions;
- reflect on and contribute to (further) develop materials that show ways in which CLIL LOTE transitions can be strengthened;
- make products developed in the project (guiding principles for CLIL LOTE, recommendations, materials) accessible for the networks of the workshop participants;
- become part of the CLIL LOTE network.
After the workshop, the LinkedIn group ‘ CLIL LOTE network’ / ‘EMILE dans des langues autres que l'anglais’ / ‘CLIL in anderen Sprachen als Englisch’ was created as a forum for the CLIL LOTE network. In this group, the network members can, for example, share ideas, materials, publications, conference calls.
You are very welcome to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9274303/
Petra Daryai-Hansen (project coordinator)
- Project website “CLIL in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages” in English, French and German: www.ecml.at/CLILLOTEtransitions