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Courriel européen des langues

Author: Anonym/12 November 2012/Categories: ECML event

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Issue no. 26 (October 2012) of the Courriel européen des langues has just been edited by CIEP (Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques), the national Contact Point for the European Centre for Modern Languages in France.

Table of contents (French version only):Point de vue
L’Enquête européenne sur les compétences linguistiques
Actualité des institutions européennes

Centre européen pour les langues vivantes
Apprendre par les langues – promouvoir une éducation inclusive, plurilingue et interculturelle
La journée européenne des langues 2012
Publications du CELV (in English, French and/or German: //www.ecml.at/publications):

  • BOECKMANN Klaus-Börge, AALTO Eija, ABEL Andrea, et al., Promoting plurilingualism: Majority language in multilingual settings / Mehrsprachigkeit fördern: die Mehrsprachigkeit im vielsprachigen Umfeld (2011) (publication available in English and in German, project website in English and German)
  • HASSELGREEN Angela, KALEDAITE Violeta, MALDONADO MARTIN Natalia, et al., Assessment of young learner literacy linked to the common european framework of reference for language (2011) (publication available in English, project website in English and French)


Sélection de ressources
Actualité éditoriale
A découvrir sur le Web


Download Issue no. 26 (PDF document in French only)
Visit the ECML web page dedicated to CIEP: English - French
ECML latest publications resulting from the Centre's programme of activities 2008-2011: ECML website in English / French - List of publications


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