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Language for Work Week in Amsterdam: online training with ECML experts

ECML training and consultancy offer for the Netherlands

Author: Catherine Seewald/12 January 2021/Categories: Show on front page, Training and Consultancy, 6mtp TaC Language for work

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Online event for VU-NT2, VU University Amsterdam
Date: 18-20 November 2020
Local organiser: Annemarie Nuwenhoud, VU-NT2, VU University Amsterdam
Participants: 31 (including 4 LfW-members); professional teachers of Dutch for adult migrants:
- 13 teachers work at VU-NT2, VU University. They teach mainly to migrants and refugees with an academic background.
- 14 teachers work at other language institutes in the Netherlands.


From 18-20 November 2020, two Amsterdam based universities organised a Language for Work Week, with the support of the ECML. This Language for Work week was part of the ECML training and consultancy programme for member states. Experts from the Language for Work Network provided three online workshops at ITTA UvA and VU-NT2. Over sixty teachers of Dutch for adult migrants joined the workshops. Alexander Braddell from the UK gave two workshops on coaching for language learning at work and in daily life. Kerstin Sjösvärd from Sweden provided a workshop on the role of support from colleagues language advocates. We look back at a fruitful and inspiring online event.

Annemarie Nuwenhoud, VU-NT2 (VU University Amsterdam)




Dutch version

Language for Work-experts ECML bezoeken VU-NT2 & ITTA

Van 18 t/m 20 November 2020 organiseerden VU-NT2 en het ITTA de Language for Work-week, met steun van het ECML. Deze week was onderdeel van het ECML training & consultancy programma. Experts van het Language for Work-network verzorgden drie online workshops bij het ITTA (UvA) en VU-NT2 (VU). Meer dan zestig NT2-docenten en docenten Nederlands op de Werkvloer namen hieraan deel. Alexander Braddell uit Engeland gaf twee workshops over coaching voor praktijkgericht taalleren en taalleren op de werkvloer. Kerstin Sjösvärd uit Zweden verzorgde een workshop over de rol van collega’s bij taalleren op de werkvloer. We kijken terug op een leerzame en inspirerende week.

Annemarie Nuwenhoud, VU-NT2, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


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