Addressing the needs of language professionals in times of Covid-19: new ECML resource website “e-lang”
Author: Catherine Seewald/31 March 2020/Categories: Show on front page, New media in language education, Digital literacy for the teaching/learning of languages, ECML programme 2012-2015

Calling all language professionals!!
Are you a language teacher in upper secondary or in the university sector now adapting to the challenge of delivering your classes online? Would you like to discover motivating real-world tasks for your learners which will help develop their learner autonomy?
Are you a language teacher educator looking for creative ways to develop your teachers’ digital literacy skills, so that they in turn can support their language learners?
Are you a language researcher, interested in pedagogies based on social interaction?
If so, this new open-access resource website, developed through expert cooperation in the field of language education across geographic Europe and beyond, is most definitely for you:
Digital literacy
for the teaching and learning of languages

Click on the links below to go directly to the different resources:

European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
Promoting excellence in language education
Centre européen pour les langues vivantes du Conseil de l´Europe
Pour l’excellence dans l’éducation aux langues
A - 8020 Graz, Nikolaiplatz 4
T +43 316 323554
F +43 316 323554-4
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