Date: 26 March 2019
Venue: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Local organisation: Claudia Owczarek, Chair of TEFL, LMU Munich, Germany
ECML expert: Joseph Hopkins, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Participants: 19 teachers of German from primary, secondary and vocational school and international participants from a university context
The workshop was held by Mr. Hopkins at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität as part of the TEFL Day, a day of professional development for teachers. The TEFL Day was embedded within the context of the international conference "Educating the global citizen: International perspectives on foreign language feaching in the digital age".
19 teachers participated in this training event, including German teachers from primary, secondary and vocational school and a few international participants (from Sweden, Mexico, Brazil ...) from a university context .
The workshop began with a presentation and an exploration of the ECML Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources (e.g. Mentimeter, Google Slides, Google Sites, Google Docs, Wheel Decide, Padlet). In a next step, participants were given time to evaluate some tools designed for language teaching and for promoting global citizenship. Finally, the teachers developed ideas about how the presented tools could be integrated into their individual teaching contexts.
The participants gave very positive feedback and highlighted that they will put their newly gained knowledge into practice in their respective teaching environments.
Claudia Owczarek, local organiser of the workshop