Quality Assurance (QA) in Language Education
Quality assurance in language education involves taking a systematic approach to the design and the ongoing improvement of a language program. This implies ensuring involvement of all stakeholders and focusing on the user experience.
Quality Assurance Systems and Projects
A number of QA systems and projects have been developed specifically for language education. Some of these - like the CEFR-QualiMatrix - are more generic approaches reflecting the ‘Deming Cycle,’ while others define different aspects that might undergo formal (self-)evaluation.
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The Deming Cycle
The Deming Cycle involves a four-step process of ongoing improvement of quality: plan, do, check, and act. The cycle has served as the basis of many approaches to quality assurance and action research.

Principles of Quality
In the QualiMatrix we have further developed the generic principles of quality that appeared in an earlier project the Quality Guide. In the QualiMatrix there are six principles: Relevance, Validity, Transparency, Coherence, Inclusiveness, and Sustainability.
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