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    Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants de langues (EN et DE)
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    Project overview

Action research communities for language teachers

The goal of action research communities for language teachers is to contribute towards quality enhancement in the language classroom through the application of action research approaches. This will be achieved by tapping into existing networks with a view to creating new learning communities, which can be replicated across ECML member states. Read more

Working languages of the project: English, German
Project term: 2016-2018
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/actionresearch


Who will benefit from the project?

Teachers are at the heart of the quality process in the language learning classroom. This project will support teachers in European classrooms in using action research as an essential tool for the development of reflective classroom practice highlighting ways in which teachers can enhance their self-confidence and professionalism.
This in turn will improve the quality of their teaching and at the same time strengthen teacher confidence.

Envisaged outputs

  • Guidelines for action research and for networking strategies towards quality enhancement in language teaching;
  • A practical guide to action research for teachers and teacher educators based on experiences from the ECML countries;
  • Piloted models of trialled course units: format for training units to improve classroom practice through linking quality strategies to practical action research approaches (brochure including checklist and reflection);
  • A set of success stories in several languages;
  • Online platform with a bank of resources, including key documentation, and didactic materials.

Envisaged outcomes

  • The adoption of an action-research based approach to language methodologies;
  • Increased co-operation between classrooms practice and academic expertise;
  • Positive impact on language education in classrooms through professional networks and peer support.

Ceci est un projet du Centre européen pour les langues vivantes dans le cadre de son programme 2016-2019 "Les langues au cœur des apprentissages".

Vers la page web du programme

Action research communities for language teachers - webinar 

The European Centre for Modern Languages project “Action research communities for language teachers” (ARC) has supported teachers in European classrooms in using action research as an essential tool for the development of reflective classroom practice - highlighting ways in which teachers can enhance their self-confidence and professionalism. The  webinar (featured below) which took place on 25 January 2019 provides an insight into the experiences gathered over the 3 years of the project (2016-18) and the results achieved.

The goal of ARC has been to contribute towards quality enhancement in the language classroom through the application of action research approaches by tapping into existing networks with a view to creating new learning communities, which can be replicated across ECML member states.

Over the three years of the project, the team was able to strengthen professional networks by linking academic expertise on action research and good practice in the language classroom. The project has also designed a set of resources for teachers who would like to get into action research and also for teacher educators running courses on action research.

In the webinar the project team and colleagues involved in action research (as listed below) speak about their experiences with action research in national contexts, the resources they developed and addressed questions raised by participants:

  • Christine Lechner, Pedagogical University, Austria, ARC - project framework
  • Angela Gallagher-Brett: SOAS, University of London, UK - "The ARC-Spiral"
  • Inge Alfredson: Avedoere Lower Secondary School, Denmark, "The discovery of the intercultural dimension in English lessons through action research"
  • Kenan Dikilitas: Bahçeşehir University Turkey, "Action Research at tertiary level: Field notes from a research mentor"
  • Sunny Lau, Bishop's University, Canada. Participatory action research: Promotion of language teachers’ self-efficacy and advocacy for socially just plurilingual pedagogy.
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janv. 2019
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues


janv. 2019
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues
Evénement national de soutien
Lieu : Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol, Innsbruck, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


nov. 2018
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues
Réunion d'experts
CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


juin 2018
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues
Evénement national de soutien
Reykjavík, Islande
Voir plus d'informations


mai 2018
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues
Réunion de réseau
CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


mai 2018
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues
Réunion préparatoire à la réunion de réseau
CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


nov. 2017
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues
Réunion d'experts
CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


avr. 2017
Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues
Réunion d'experts
Lieu : CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


nov. 2016
« Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues »
Atelier 1/2016
Lieu : CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


nov. 2016
« Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants en langues »
Réunion préparatoire à l’atelier 1/2016
Lieu : CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations


oct. 2016
Atelier "Action Research to enhance intercultural learning in the German classroom"/“Aktionsforschung zum Interkulturellen Lernen im Deutschunterricht”
Mission d’expert dans le cadre du projet “Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants de langues (ARC)
Lieu: Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Roumanie
Voir plus d'informations


avr. 2016
Semaine internationale : Renforcer la formation des enseignants par les projets du Centre européen pour les langues vivantes « PluriMobil – Mobilité par des apprentissages plurilingues et interculturels » et « Vers un Cadre européen commun de référence pour les enseignants de langues »
Participation du CELV à un événement externe
Voir plus d'informations


févr. 2016
« Communautés de recherche-action au service des enseignants de langues »
Réunion d'experts
Lieu : CELV, Graz, Autriche
Voir plus d'informations
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