Latest articles
Final conference of the 6th medium-term programme 2020-2023 (13-14 December 2023, Graz, Austria & online)
“Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences” – Join the livestream!

The conference represents the culmination of the four years of work of the ECML’s “Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences” programme, involving, among others, 9projects, 1think tank, 12offers of training and consultancy (TaC) and a series of initiatives developed with the support of the European Commission.
The conference is aimed at all language education professionals and in particular at ECML stakeholders, policy makers and persons with a professional focus on the practice of language education (curriculum development, teacher education, material design…).
The programme involves plenary presentations, speeches, a round table, a series of smaller workshops for the presentation and discussion of programme outputs and outcomes as well as envisaged links to activities in the 2024-2027 programme.
The workshops on the second day of the conference will be organised thematically:
- Language teacher and learner competences,
- Transversal dimension of language education / Competences for life and work,
- Plurilingual and intercultural education,
- Languages of schooling; language in subjects.
Within each given theme there will be a focus on the completed project resources and related TaC activities from the current programme. Presenters will focus on the inspiring and innovative aspects of their TaC activity/new resources and will consider how the different approaches and materials presented in their thematic session complement one other.
This will also be an excellent opportunity to get a preview of the new ECML programme “Language education at the heart of democracy” (2024-2027).
In order to ensure access to a wider audience, the event will be streamed in both working languages (English and French) and the recordings made available on the ECML website.
Conference web page: English – French
Conference programme: English – French
Join the live streaming here – no registration required: English – French
European Language Gazette #63: enjoy the latest issue!
The European Language Gazette, the ECML's e-newsletter, provides up-to-date news about the ECML (events, projects, resources) and other relevant sectors of the Council of Europe as well as of our partners. It focuses on national developments in the field of language education in the member states and beyond.
Enjoy the latest issue: English – French
European Language Gazette no. 63 (January – March 2023)
Table of contents:
“A new Council of Europe Recommendation on language education: the importance of teacher education”
ECML programme developments 2020-2023 – “Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences”
- Save the dates!
- Launch event of the ECML Call for proposals for the 2024-27 programme, 15 May 2023
- ECML Summer Academy, Graz, 3-7 July 2023
- “Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education education (initial/in-service)”: a critical topic all over Europe
ECML national support event
- “Diving into deep learning” – Vlaamse CLIL-studiedag (Brussels, Belgium, 6 March 2023)
Recent ECML resources
- Selected ECML flyers in German
- Selection of ECML resources and projects in German
- Publication translations
- Inventory of ICT tools and OERs: discover the latest resources!
Publications quoting the work of the ECML
- Related ECML work on language awareness, the language of schooling, subject classes, mediation, learning environments
European Day of Languages: EDL t-shirt contest
- EDL t-shirt 2023
- EDL t-shirt contest 2024
Training and consultancy activities
- Launch of a series of 48 language education workshops in member states
National developments
- Austria: competition for the European Language Label in Austria 2023
- France
- LISEO highlights the work and resources of the ECML and national language policies in Europe
- World Language Barometer 2022 – launch of the 4th edition
- Germany: MitSprache Deutsch4U - a programme for non-profit organisations to foster learning environments where diversity flourishes
- Ireland
- Erasmus+ School Education: The impact of mobility projects on the professional development of staff
- #ThinkLanguages Week 2023 (27 November – 1 December 2023)
- Canada: 2020-2021 Annual Report of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)
Professional Network Forum of the ECML
- Forthcoming events of the Forum members
- Eaquals webinar series 2023
- ECSPM: International Symposium “The social role of higher education: Developing the civil society’s awareness and impacting policies on the role of multilingualism in education” (Strasbourg, France, 22-24 March 2023)
- 10th EDiLiC conference (University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 28-30 June 2023)
- ICC – the International Language Association: conference, articles, new YouTube channel
- “Future of languages”: FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region Conference (Reykjavik, Iceland, 8-9 June 2023)
In memoriam – Evangelia Moussouri and Tony Fitzpatrick
Council of Europe developments
- Towards the 26th session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education: a series of consultations
- CEFR online workshop series
- The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
- The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages is celebrating its 25th anniversary
- Recent reports: Netherlands, Sweden
- Council of Europe online bookshop: recent publications
News from other organisations
- International Colloquium “Plurensa-2023: Multilingualism/plurilingualism, teaching and learning, complexity and integrity: epistemological, pedagogical and political perspectives” (7-10 June 2023, Montpellier, France)
- EU: European Year of Skills 2023, recent EU resources
- OECD: recent resources
- International Mother Language Day – UNESCO event “Multilingual education – a necessity to transform education” (21 February 2023)
- Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences: new teaching module
- The European Wergeland Centre: recent resources
- New handbook “31 basic activities”
- “How does Artificial Intelligence influence the way teachers teach and students learn to live in a democracy?” – Webinar recorded on 7 February 2023
- Journal of International Mobility: special issue on Interculturality, intercultural skills and mobility in adult education – Call for paper until 28 April 2023
- Journal Education Sciences: special issue on Multiculturalism in higher education: current trends, challenges, and practices – Call for papers until 31 July 2023
- Babylonia, the Swiss Journal of Language Education: latest issue
Quick links
Hybrid workshop "Digital citizenship through language training"
The e-lang team and its two Canadian associate partners held a hybrid workshop on November 4 and 5 2021, both at the ECML in Graz and online. During the workshop, which brought together 27 participants from across the Council of Europe countries, the foundations of the project and its first deliverables were presented: the profile of the citizen as a user of languages and technology, the pedagogical approach and the first tasks designed by the team. The workshop also provided participants with an opportunity to design tasks which will be finalised in the coming months.
The participants were particularly satisfied with the workshop and the vast majority plan to implement the approach and the accompanying materials in their practices in language education.
For the team, the workshop brought confirmation of the relevance of its pedagogical choices and its work. The team is therefore particularly motivated for the next stages of production: a book presenting the pedagogical framework and tasks for the development of digital citizenship and language competences.
Keep up to date with future developments via the project website!
Christian OLLIVIER (trad. Catherine Jeanneau)
A recent publication on language education and digital literacy in open contexts – a socio-interactional approach
The book Formation en langues et littératie numérique en contextes ouverts : Une approche socio-interactionnelle (available in French) results from a collaboration between Catherine Caws, Marie-Josée Hamel, Catherine Janneau and Christian Ollivier within the framework of two European Centre for Modern Languages projects:
It proposes a didactic approach and a type of tasks in the field of language teaching and learning which aim to develop language learners' action and communication competences as well as the skills, attitudes and values necessary to become active, critical and responsible actors and citizens in their use of digital technology. Researchers and language teachers will find more theoretical frameworks and concrete ways to implement language education that promote digital literacy among learners.
CAWS Catherine, HAMEL Marie-Josée, JEANNEAU Catherine, OLLIVIER Christian, Formation en langues et littératie numérique en contextes ouverts : Une approche socio-interactionnelle, Editions des archives contemporaines, Paris, 2021, 183 p.,
(Re)watch the webinar “Fostering digital citizenship through language education”

The e-lang citizen project offered a free bilingual (English and French) webinar on Tuesday 22 June 2021, from 17:00 – 18.15 (CEST).
- What is a digital citizen?
- How does digital citizenship education link up with language education?
- What type of digital language tasks can support learners to become digital citizens?
If you have ever asked or tried to answer any of these questions, this webinar, which took place within the activities of the current European Centre for Modern Languages’ project “Digital citizenship through language education” (e-lang citizen), will be of interest to you.
Primarily targeted at language teachers and teacher trainers, the webinar proposes a profile of a digital citizen as a user of languages and digital technology, based on the analysis of around one hundred recently published texts containing a definition of the “digital citizen” or identifying elements constituting digital citizenship.
The links between digital citizenship education and language education – social interaction and communication skills, plurilingual competences and mediation– have been explored during the event.
Within the project, the coordinating team, from 5 different countries, aims to establish a database, providing concrete and practical learning activities and tasks for developing digital citizenship in the language classroom. The webinar offers a look into the initial materials created. Interested experts will also find out how they can further engage with the project.
Take part in the webinar “Fostering digital citizenship through language education” (22 June 2021, from 17:00 – 18:15 CEST)
The e-lang citizen project will offer a free bilingual (English and French) webinar on Tuesday 22 June 2021, from 17:00 – 18:15 (CEST).
- What is a digital citizen?
- How does digital citizenship education link up with language education?
- What type of digital language tasks can support learners to become digital citizens?
If you have ever asked or tried to answer any of these questions, this webinar, which takes place within the activities of the current European Centre for Modern Languages’ project “Digital citizenship through language education” (e-lang citizen), will be of interest to you.
Primarily targeted at language teachers and teacher trainers, the webinar will propose a profile of a digital citizen as a user of languages and digital technology, based on the analysis of around one hundred recently published texts containing a definition of the “digital citizen” or identifying elements constituting digital citizenship.
The links between digital citizenship education and language education – social interaction and communication skills, plurilingual competences and mediation– will be explored during the event.
Within the project, the coordinating team, from 5 different countries, aims to establish a database, providing concrete and practical learning activities and tasks for developing digital citizenship in the language classroom. The webinar will offer a look into the initial materials created. Participants will find also out how they can further engage with the project.
Please register here by 21 June 2021.
Tasks to develop Digital Citizenship and to enable learners to act as language and digital technology users
A working meeting of the e-lang citizen team, including the project associate partners from Canada, took place on the 25th and 26th of February. During this meeting, the team finalised a conceptual profile of the digital citizen as a language and digital technology user. The team also agreed on how best to display the format of the publications that were analysed to produce the profile. This list is now available as a bibliographic database on Zotero.
But first and foremost, this meeting focused on the finalisation of the first set of tasks and activities forming the project database. Real-world tasks have been developed and will soon be available on the project website in French and English. They can be carried out in many languages and at different levels. These tasks encourage learners to contribute to participatory websites. In doing so, they can use and develop their language skills while experiencing digital citizenship. Finally, the task description also includes ways to promote reflective practice in three main domains: the social (interactional) dimension, the language-related dimension and the citizenship dimension.
New sets of tasks will follow in the coming months, we will hold a webinar in June and a workshop in November 2021. Visit our
website to keep informed!
The e-lang citizen team
- "Digital citizenship through language education" ECML project website: English - French
The European Centre for Modern Languages and Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) renew cooperation agreement

The European Centre for Modern Languages and Moscow State Linguistic University (
MSLU) have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. focusing in particular on the project “
Digital citizenship through language education”. The agreement formally renews cooperation between the ECML and MSLU for the duration of the Centre’s “Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences” programme (2020-2023) and offers a valuable way of promoting expert contacts between the ECML and MSLU.
The Digital citizenship project seeks to help learners become digital citizens and develop the capacity to use digital media critically, creatively and autonomously in several languages.
At an initial online meeting of representatives from the project team and MSLU, ideas were exchanged on how synergies can be developed and the expertise of MSLU can best be integrated and utilised in the further development and goals of the project. With a webinar (in June) and a workshop (scheduled for November) coming up as well as a pedagogical framework for the development of digital citizenship and a database of accompanying activities there are plentiful supply of possibilities for involvement and for enhancing the outreach of the project.
It looks like being an exciting and very productive cooperation.
The citizen as a user of digital technology and languages at the heart of the second meeting of the project's experts
The e-lang citizen project members and associate partners from Canada met online on 8-9 October 2020. During these two busy days of work meetings, the team members had the opportunity to discuss the results of a meta-analysis carried out over the past few months. This analysis focused on how the notion of digital citizen and digital citizenship was defined in literature and in the publications from major international organisations (Council of Europe, UNESCO...). The list of all the defining elements mentioned in these texts allowed us to draw a large portrait of what we call the technology and language user citizen.
This citizen is thus perceived as a social agent acting - online and offline - within various communities each one with its own values, rules and norms. The action of the citizen is shaped by the interplay between, on the one hand, the context, social rules and values of the communities and, on the other hand, his intentions, his own values and attitudes, his ethics, his awareness, skills, knowledge and critical understanding of the world and - in particular - technologies and their use. Ideally, this action will be competent, responsible, ethical, creative, informed and safe (for people, data, the environment, health...).
The project will now develop teaching material with tasks, especially Real-World Tasks. These language classroom activities aim at addressing the different dimensions that constitute the technology and language user citizen.
Christian OLLIVIER
"E-LANG citizen" project coordinator
- ECML project website "Digital citizenship through language education (E-LANG citizen)": English - French
- "Digital Citizenship Through Language Education (E-LANG citizen" is one of the 9 projects of the ECML's current programme of activities "Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences" (2020-2023): English - French
e-lang citizen - First working meeting on the development of digital citizenship through language education
Digital citizenship education is a societal priority which has been recognised by the Council of Europe. A project on this topic has just started at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML): "Digital citizenship through language education - e-lang citizen". This project is a follow-up to the e-lang project on digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages. Through the project a didactic framework will be developed as well as pedagogical resources for teachers. The aim is to enable language teachers to help their learners to
- evaluate critically and autonomously the information published on the Internet;>
- understand how the participatory web works, how information is generated and disseminated;
- become critical, creative and responsible agents on the participatory Web;
- become citizens of an inclusive (multilingual and multicultural) society.
On January 20th and 21th, the project team held its first meeting. The four ECML experts (C. Ollivier, coordinator, C. Jeanneau, T. Natri and U. Szigeti) met with the two Canadian associate partners (C. Caws and M.-J. Hamel). During this meeting, the objectives of the project were specified and the work on an operational definition of digital citizenship was launched. This definition will highlight the language dimensions of digital citizenship. It will provide the basis for the development of pedagogical resources for teachers.
Feel free to follow us on the project website - which is available in English and French - and on Twitter (#ECML_elang).
Authors: Christian Ollivier and the e-lang citizen Project

"Digital Citizenship Through Language Education - e-lang citizen" is one of the 9 new projects of the ECML's
programme "Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences" (2020-2023).