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    Project results

Digital citizenship through language education

The project seeks to help learners become digital citizens and develop the capacity to use digital media critically, creatively and autonomously in several languages. The project will build on recommendations and guidelines from the Council of Europe and other international institutions as well as on national policies in order to develop a pedagogical framework and resources for use by language teachers.
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Project results

Before embarking on a project which aims to develop digital citizenship through language education, it is essential to define what is meant by "digital citizenship". 

The e-lang citizen project team therefore carried out a meta-analysis of 98 texts published by supranational organisations (such as the Council of Europe or UNESCO) and by specialists in the field. These publications contributed to further defining the notion of digital citizenship and its constitutive elements. 

The profile of citizens as users of languages and digital technology is based on this analysis. 


The profile of citizens as users of languages and digital technology 

List of the analysed publications: download as pdf file or go to the online Zotero library

User guide for the Zotero library

Article published in French in the scientific journal Lidil

Publication « Développer citoyenneté numérique et compétences langagières »

Vers la page de la publication

Sample tasks

LibriVox - Contributing to an online catalogue of audiobooks
Reddit - understanding through participation
Quora - How do others see us? Putting questions to a community
FOMO - Fear of missing out
MindMup - My digital universe
Share your book review
StorymapMy geolocated language autobiography
Twitter - Discuss on Twitter

Network meeting 2-3 March 2022

Programme of the 2-day meeting

Related publications

Caws Catherine, Hamel Marie-Josée, Jeanneau Catherine, Ollivier Christian (2021), Formation en langues et littératie numérique en contextes ouverts. Une approche socio-interactionnelle, Editions des archives contemporaines, France, ISBN : 9782813003911, 183 p., doi : https://doi.org/10.17184/eac.9782813003911.

Ollivier Christian (2022), "Empowerment : contraintes socio-interactionnelles et stratégies – Pour le développement d’une littératie actionnelle critique en didactique des langues", Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultureshttps://doi.org/10.4000/rdlc.10585.