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Calendar 2011


September 2011

Hosted event at the ECML premises

1-3 September 2011
Annual Meeting and Conference on Gypsy Studies 
Organisation: event organised on behalf of the Gypsy Lore Society by [spi:k] (Sprache, Identität, Kultur), an Austrian association dedicated to the documentation of minority cultures and languages, and two Austrian Roma organisations, Romano Centro and Roma-Service
Website: http://www.roma-service.at/dromablog/ 

Participation OF ECML STAFF in an external event

8-10 September 2011
2nd European Conference of the FIPF (Fédération internationale des professeurs de français
"Vers l'éducation plurilingue en Europe avec le français - De la diversité à la synergie"
Venue: VŠE (Vysoká škola ekonomická), University of Economics, Prag, Czech Republic
Organisers: FIPF and the Association of Teachers of French in the Czech Republic (SUF)
ECML contribution: participation of an expert (to be confirmed), documentation
Site web: http://prague2011.fipf.org/

Participation in an external event

8-10 September 2011
III. Internationaler Hamburger Kongress zur Wirtschaftskommunikation: "Wie global müssen wir sein? Wie lokal müssen wir bleiben? Information, Kommunikation und wirtschaftliches Handeln in Zeiten der Globalisierung" /
III. International Hamburg Congress of Business Communication: " How global should we be? How local should we remain? Information, Communication and the Economy in the Time of Globalisation"
Venue: Hamburg, Germany
Organisers: Kongressorganisation Prof. Dr. Theo Bungarten (arbuk - Arbeitsbereich Unternehmenskommunikation, c/o Institut für Germanistik I, Universität Hamburg) in co-operation with Prof. Dr. Axel Satzger (Angewandte Linguistik und Fachsprachenforschung, Technische Universität Dresden)
Contribution of the ECML: documentation for an exhibition stand

Hosted event at the ECML premises

16 September 2011
Meeting of the Graz Language Network (Sprachennetzwerk Graz)
Organiser: Austrian Association of the ECML

Participation of ECML staff in an event

16-17 September. 2011
7th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
Venue: University of Warsaw, Poland
Organiser: Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw
ECML contribution: contribution of Walder Martyniuk, Executive Director; documentation

European Day of Languages

26 September 2011
Website: http://www.coe.int/edl

Statutory meeting: 49th meeting of the Bureau of the Governing Board

26-27 September 2011

Statutory meeting: 20th meeting of the Governing Board

28-29 September 2011

CLOSING conference of the 3rd medium-term programme of the ECML “Empowering Language Professionals”

29 September – 1 October 2011
Venue: Institute for Translation and Interpretation, Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria
Working languages: English and French, with simultaneous interpretation
Participants: 2 delegates per member state, nominated by the ECML national nominating authorities
Participants’ profile:http://conference.ecml.at/
