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Call for applications for the ECML workshop “Developing migrants' language competences at work” (Language for work)

(ECML, Graz, Austria, 24-25 June 2015) - Closing date for applications: 1 June 2015

Author: Anonym/Mittwoch, 15. April 2015/Categories: ECML event

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Participants may apply from the following countries:

Andorra, Bulgaria, Denmark, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Serbia, Slovakia.

To know more about the project visit the dedicated website.

Working languages of the workshop:
 English and French, with simultaneous interpretation.

Profile requirements:

Professional background

Researchers with an interest in workplace learning/language development/migration/skills/labour market participation; national skills policy makers; workforce development professionals; teacher trainers working in the field of adult second language learning; vocational instructors; providers of apprenticeships & pre-employment programmes; teachers of the majority language involved in or planning workplace provision, employer and trade union representatives.

Experience, competences required

Expertise/professional interest/practical engagement in skills/workforce development policy and practice; adult second language acquisition; social cohesion/inclusion; workplace learning; migration studies/policy; readiness to engage with interdisciplinary issues and with participants from diverse professional backgrounds; capacity to act as a "change agent" advocating for progressive policies and practices in this field. 

Expected involvement:

Before the meeting

Review policies and practice in own country/region relevant to vocational language learning for migrant/ethnic workers and/or low-skilled majority-language speaking workers; review (briefly) Language for Work website (http://languageforwork.ecml.at/

During the meeting

Active participation, e. g. involvement in small group work, discussion of policies and practice in own and other countries/regions

After the meeting

Willingness to disseminate results in own country/region and commitment to sustaining a European learning network beyond the project 

Interested applicants should contact the ECML National Nominating Authorities in their country by 1 June 2015.


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