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    Inventory of ICT tools

Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources

Welcome to the Inventory of freely available online tools and OERs for language teaching and learning developed by the ICT REV project. The tools have been selected by and for language educators. There are different ways to search for tools and various examples below. You can also suggest a tool to be added to the Inventory. 


Mentimeter, a tool to create interactive presentations and assess students

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Genially, a creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics

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ClassroomScreen, an interactive display board with several widgets and tools

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Padlet, a virtual collaboration canvas for content sharing

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Pitch, a tool to make collaborative presentations

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Socrative, a quiz, poll and assessment tool

Poll and survey creatorsQuiz/exercise makersMany To OneVocabularyGrammarTeacherYou Supply

Description: Socrative is a tool to create quizzes, polls, and assessments, which students can access and respond to in real-time using their smartphones, tablets, or computers. The results of exercises can be displayed with names or anonymously and later automatically graded. Socrative facilitates immediate feedback, allowing teachers to gauge student understanding and adjust instruction accordingly, while also providing student assessment reports. Socrative offers a limited free version with up to 5 quizzes and 50 students. It requires users to set up an account in order to create and manage quizzes, but students can participate anonymously without creating one. Socrative was developed by Benjamin Berte and Michael West.

Evaluation: Socrative is a handy tool for teachers to assess and get feedback from students almost immediately. Questions such as T/F, multiple choice, and others give teachers the opportunity to quickly measure progress during a lesson and check for understanding at its end. Socrative also provides a database of existing quizzes and questions and a venue where teachers can share created resources in their "garden" of homemade quizzes, making them accessible at any moment. An idea to facilitate student discussion and self-assessment could be to display the results live in the classroom and engage in a debate. Results can also be displayed in an Excel file or Google Spreadsheet. Average IT skills required.

Cost: Free with registration + paid plans available.

Type Of Interaction: Individual work,

Skills: Vocabulary, Grammar,

Content: You supply,

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