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Les MOOCs au service du plurilinguisme

by Isabelle Ortiz

Espaces d'apprentissage et autonomie de l'apprenant

This article refers to a programme aired on Radio France Culture in which the challenges of the MOOCs are presented in relation to language learning and the promotion of plurilingualism.  MOOCs may be another way to promote plurilingualism. Read more


27 February 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (20235)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 3.4

Do inclusive, plurilingual approaches contribute to better quality education?

by Frank Heyworth

Plurilingual education

The Language Policy Unit and the ECML of the Council of Europe seek to contribute to making an "education of quality" available to all. But what do we mean by quality? The title of the present programme of the ECML is "promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education" which implies that these approaches really do improve the quality of education for all. This raises the question : in what way? Read more

26 February 2014/Author: Christian Friedrich/Number of views (22775)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.8