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Empowering integration through language education
Date and venue: 30-31 May 2024, Tallinn, Estonia
Local organiser: Ministry of Culture, Estonia
ECML moderators: Alexander Braddell (United Kingdom) and Matilde Grünhage-Monetti (Germany)
Participants: teachers, and researchers of Estonian as a second language (L2) for adults, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Integration Foundation, The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, The Estonian Employers’ Confederation, employers (including employer associations)
On 30-31 May 2024, the Ministry of Culture, Estonia, in cooperation with the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML), hosted a seminar entitled “Language education for labour market integration”. The event, held at Roosikrants Residence, Tallinn, brought together 34 participants, including representatives from various ministries, language companies, and integration foundations. Expert moderators Matilde Grünhage-Monetti and Alexander Braddell shared insights and best practices from across Europe, focusing on enhancing work-related language skills for adult migrants and ethnic minorities.
The seminar emphasized the importance of flexible, needs-based language learning, collaboration with employers, and the development of digital learning tools. Positive feedback from participants highlighted the seminar's relevance and effectiveness. This initiative is a step towards creating a coherent and sustainable system for language education, aiding the integration of non-native speakers into the Estonian labour market and society. Future activities will continue to build on the strategies and commitments developed during the seminar.
Author: Ministry of Culture, Estonia
Estonian version:
Piiratud ressursside tingimustes tuleb otsida alternatiivseid lahendusi keeleõppe pakkumisel. Näiteks arendades digitaalseid õppevõimalusi ja otsides koostöövõimalusi tööandjatega.
30.05-31.05.24 toimus Kultuuriministeeriumi toel ja Euroopa Nõukogu kaasrahastusel keeleõppe seminar, kus Euroopa Nüüdiskeelte Keskuse eksperdid Matilde Grünhage-Monetti ja Alexander Braddell jagasid osalejatele teadmisi ja kogemusi ning tutvustasid teiste riikide parimaid praktikaid.
Kahe päeva jooksul otsisime vastuseid peamisele küsimusele – kuidas aidata täiskasvanud sisserändajatel arendada tööalast keeleoskust?
Seminarist võtsid lisaks tööandjatele veel osa ka Kultuuriministeeriumi, Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi ning Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi ametnikud, keelefirmad, Eesti Integratsiooni Sihtasutus ning Eesti Töötukassa.
Ministry of Culture, Estonia
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“CLIL and beyond, a pluriliteracies approach – Teaching for deeper learning”
Date and venue: 16-17 May 2024, Tallinn, Estonia
Local organiser: Kati Bakradze-Pank
ECML moderators: Kevin Schuck (Netherlands) and Susanne Staschen-Dielmann (Germany)
Participants: 22 trainers, teachers in kindergarten, primary, upper- and lower-secondary, university, adult education, integrated vocational and secondary education, newcomers in school levels
The “CLIL and beyond, a Pluriliteracies Approach – Teaching for Deeper Learning” training targeted practicing teachers and teacher trainers who were interested in supporting schools and other teachers in implementing CLIL in general education, vocational education, and nonformal studies. The teachers participating had a background in implementing CLIL but required a more comprehensive and in-depth approach, in order to meet the current educational challenges in Estonia. Every teacher is a language teacher, and this means that CLIL has to become an integral and natural part of teaching in any subject or profession to students coming from pluricultural and plurilingual backgrounds in the current transitional period of Estonian-language education in Estonia.
The practical approaches presented during the workshop by the ECML experts Susanne Staschen-Dielmann and Kevin Schuck addressed the needs of practitioners, trainers, teachers at kindergarten, primary, upper- and lower-secondary, university, adult education, integrated vocational and secondary education and newcomers in school levels attending the workshop.
The primary objective of this workshop in Estonia was to learn more about the various approaches and methods used in this important area. Both practical and theoretical aspects were discussed, ultimately benefiting not only learners in the classrooms but also the teachers themselves who cooperated with one another and shared their experiences.
Kati Bakradze-Pank
Estonian version
Kursus "Lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe ja mitmekeelsus - õpetamine sügavama õppimise eesmärgil" oli kursus praktiseerivatele õpetajatele ja õpetajakoolitajatele, kes olid huvitatud koolide ja teiste õpetajate toetamisest lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe rakendamisest üldhariduses, kutsehariduses ja mitteformaalses õppes. Osalevad õpetajad oli LAK-õppe rakendamise taustaga, kuid Eesti praeguste haridusprobleemide lahendamiseks oli vaja terviklikumat ja põhjalikumat lähenemist. Iga õpetaja on keeleõpetaja ja see tähendab, et LAK-õpe peab saama lahutamatuks ja loomulikuks osaks mistahes aine- või kutsehariduse andmisel mitmekultuurilise ja mitmekeelse taustaga õpilastele praegusel üleminekuperioodil eestikeelsele haridusele Eestis.
Praktilised lähenemised, mida Euroopa Nüüdiskeelte Keskuse eksperdid dr Susanne Staschen-Dielmann ja Kevin Schuck töötoas käsitlesid, vastasid praktikute, koolitajate, lasteaia-, alg-, põhi- ja keskkooli-, ülikooli-, täiskasvanuhariduse, integreeritud kutse- ja keskhariduse õpetajate vajadustele.
Meie kontekstis oli seminari esmane eesmärk rohkem teada saada erinevate lähenemisviisidest ja meetoditest, kus arutati nii praktilisi kui ka teoreetilisi aspekte, millest said kasu mitte ainult õppijad klassiruumis, vaid ka õpetajad ise koostöös oma kogemusi jagades.
Kati Bakradze-Pank
Language at school – not only in language lessons!
At the end of school year, from 26 to 28 June, the Latvian Language Agency (LLA) organised the seminar for teacher trainers in Jurmala. The seminar was attended by more than 70 educators with whom the LLA had collaborated this year or plans to cooperate in future.
The novelty of this year's seminar – cooperation with the European Centre for Modern Languages!
For the first time, a two-day workshop of the European Centre for Modern Languages (26-27 June) was included in the annual LLA Summer seminar for teacher trainers. The workshop "Language and subject learning – hand in hand!" was led by experts from the ECML, Artashes Barkhanajyan and Marita Härmälä. To promote the whole school approach towards language awareness, LLA invited teams of five schools to participate in the workshop. Each team consisted of teachers of Latvian, English and 1–2 other subjects, and a representative of the school administration as well. The aim of the workshop was to draw attention to the language of schooling, i.e. language in all subjects and at all aspects of language. Some of the participants recognised that they never have looked at the language as a tool for teaching the subject. Some instead emphasized that they have refreshed their knowledge, as language awareness was once a much-considered topic within the framework of bilingual education. For two intense days, teachers actively participated in the workshop, finally arriving at the conclusion "we are now on the right track". Teachers went home with a task to pass on the newly acquired knowledge to their colleagues.
Indra Lapinska, Head of the Department of Language Development, Latvian Language Agency (LLA)
Latvian version
Valoda skolā – ne tikai valodu stundās!
Divas karstas dienas Jūrmalā.
Jūnija nogalē no 26. līdz 28. jūnijam Latviešu valodas aģentūra Jūrmalā rīkoja Tālākizglītotāju profesionālās kompetences pilnveides mācību gada noslēguma semināru. Seminārā piedalījās vairāk nekā 70 pedagogu tālākizglītotāju, ar kuriem aģentūra šogad bija sadarbojusies vai arī plāno sadarboties.
Šī gada semināra jaunums – sadarbība ar Eiropas Moderno valodu centru!
Pirmo reizi vasaras tālākizglītotāju seminārā divu dienu garumā tika iekļauta Eiropas Moderno valodu centra darbnīca (26.–27. jūnijs). Darbnīcu vadīja Eiropas Moderno valodu centra eksperti Artašes Barkhanajans un Marita Hermele. Darbnīcai eksperti bija devuši nosaukumu “Valoda un citi mācību priekšmeti – roku rokā!”, tā uzsverot valodas nesaraujamo saikni ar mācību satura apguvi. Lai veicinātu labāku izpratni par valodas nozīmi ne tikai atsevišķos mācību priekšmetos, bet skolas izglītības programmās kopumā, aicinājām darbnīcā piedalīties piecu skolu komandas. Katras komandas sastāvā ietilpa latviešu valodas, angļu valodas, 1–2 citu mācību priekšmetu skolotāji un skolas administrācijas pārstāvis. Darbnīcas mērķis bija pievērst uzmanību valodai izglītības procesā,, visos priekšmetos un visos valodas aspektos (ikdienas saziņā, akadēmiskajā jeb mācību saziņā, katram priekšmetam specifiskajā saziņā). Daļa dalībnieku atzina, ka iepriekš nekad nebija domājuši par valodu kā instrumentu citu priekšmetu mācīšanai, citi savukārt atzina, ka šīs mācības palīdzēja atjaunot nedaudz jau piemirstas zināšanas – valodas lomai citos priekšmetos savulaik bija pievērsta īpaša uzmanība bilingvālās izglītības kontekstā. Pēc divu intensīvu dienu mācībām darbnīcas noslēgumā skolotāju galvenā atziņa attiecībā uz valodas nozīmes izpratni mācību procesā bija, ka “mēs esam uz pareizā ceļa”! Mājup skolotāji jau devās ar uzdevumu gūtās zināšanas nodot tālāk saviem kolēģiem.
Indra Lapinska, Head of the Department of Language Development, Latvian Language Agency (LLA)
“Language of schooling: Developing language awareness in subject classes” workshop in Lesbos, Greece
Date and venue: Lesbos, Greece, 18-19 June 2024
Local organiser: Angeliki Tsakyri, Primary School Ippiou, Lesbos
ECML experts: Eli Moe (Norway) and Jérôme Béliard (France)
Participants: 33 primary and secondary language and subject teachers, refugee education coordinators, school advisors
The “Language of schooling: developing language awareness in subject classes” workshop organised by the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in cooperation with the Section of International Relations of the Hellenic Ministry of Education and the Regional Directorate of Education of the North Aegean, offered significant benefits for teachers who develop the modern educational systems. The event followed an agenda of well-structured workshops, to emphasize the critical role of language across all subjects,empowering teachers with tools and strategies to support students' language development and thereby enhance overall academic outcomes. Participants had the opportunity to gain insights into fostering an inclusive learning environment for all students.
This workshop also promoted collaboration among educators from different educational levels, encouraging the exchange of best practices and resources. It highlighted the importance of language-aware teaching in policy and curriculum development, advocating for its inclusion.
For further resources, the ECML website offers a wealth of information and tools for educators seeking to implement language awareness in their teaching practices.
Further developments in this area can be found on the ECML’s official website, providing continuous support and updates for educators committed to enhancing language awareness in schools. This initiative is a step forward in ensuring that all students, regardless of their language or cultural background, have equal opportunities to succeed academically.
Tsakyri Angeliki
Greek version
Το επιμορφωτικό εργαστήριο «Language of Schooling: Developing Language Awareness in Subject Classes» που διοργάνωσε το Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Σύγχρονων Γλωσσών (ECML) σε συνεργασία με το Τμήμα Διεθνών Σχέσεων του Ελληνικού Υπουργείου Παιδείας και την Περιφερειακή Διεύθυνση Εκπαίδευσης Βορείου Αιγαίου, προσέφερε σημαντικά οφέλη σε εκπαιδευτικούς που διαμορφώνουν τα σύγχρονα εκπαιδευτικά συστήματα. Η επιμόρφωση ακολούθησε μια ατζέντα καλά δομημένων πρακτικών εργαστηρίων, έτσι ώστε να τονιστεί ο κρίσιμος ρόλος της γλώσσας σε όλα τα μαθήματα, ενδυναμώνοντας τους δασκάλους με εργαλεία και στρατηγικές για να υποστηρίξουν τη γλωσσική ανάπτυξη των μαθητών και να ενισχύσουν τα συνολικά ακαδημαϊκά αποτελέσματα. Οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν έτσι την ευκαιρία να αποκτήσουν γνώσεις για την δημιουργία ενός περιβάλλοντος μάθησης χωρίς αποκλεισμούς για όλους τους μαθητές.
Το εργαστήριο κατάφερε παράλληλα, να προωθήσει τη συνεργασία μεταξύ εκπαιδευτικών από διαφορετικές εκπαιδευτικές βαθμίδες, ενθαρρύνοντας την ανταλλαγή βέλτιστων πρακτικών και πόρων, υπογραμμίζοντας τη σημασία της γλωσσικής διδασκαλίας στην ανάπτυξη πολιτικών και προγραμμάτων σπουδών και υποστηρίζοντας τη συμπερίληψη.
Οι εκπαιδευτές και ο ιστότοπος του ECML προσέφεραν πληθώρα πληροφοριών, πόρων και εργαλείων για τους εκπαιδευτικούς που επιδιώκουν να εφαρμόσουν τη γλωσσική επίγνωση στις διδακτικές τους πρακτικές.
Περισσότερο υλικό σε αυτόν τον τομέα υπάρχει στον επίσημο ιστότοπο του ECML, παρέχοντας συνεχή υποστήριξη και ενημερώσεις σε εκπαιδευτικούς που στοχεύουν στο να ενισχύσουν τη γλωσσική ευαισθητοποίηση στα σχολεία. Αυτή η πρωτοβουλία είναι ένα βήμα προς τη διασφάλιση ότι όλοι οι μαθητές, ανεξάρτητα από τη γλώσσα ή το πολιτιστικό τους υπόβαθρο, έχουν ίσες ευκαιρίες για αποτελεσματικότερη εκπαίδευση.
Tsakyri Angeliki
France: uniting the educational community by legitimising all the languages present
Date: 16 and 17 November 2023
Venue: Lycée Hôtelier International de Lille
Local organiser: Emmanuel HAUCHARD, CASNAV coordinator, Académie de Lille
ECML moderators: Nermina Wikström (Sweden) and Sophie Babault (France)
Participants: 23 teachers of various subjects (literature, English, physical and sports education, German, earth and life sciences), senior education advisers, teachers of French as a language of schooling, CASNAV academic advisers (trainers)
The inclusion of newly arrived allophone pupils in school is now a principle affirmed by academic directives and accepted by all members of the educational community. However, the objective of acquiring the French language – the language of schooling – sometimes means that other languages present in schools are overlooked. Yet knowledge and use of many languages designated as 'foreign' are not restricted to the minority of children from families that have recently arrived in France.
Thanks to ROADMAP/FEUILLE DE ROUTE, we can initiate a collective process of reflection involving all staff, as well as parents and pupils themselves. The self-assessment tool is easy to use, and invites the various players to consider all the languages involved as potential levers for learning, while strengthening the cohesion of the educational community. The practices proposed at the end of the diagnosis are inspiring and adaptable to different local contexts. With the support of ECML experts, the approach is easy to adopt and is showing promising results.
Emmanuel Hauchard, coordinator of the CASNAV of the Académie de Lille
The role of ECML projects for language educators
ECML training and consultancy: Action Research Communities online workshop
Date: pre-workshop on 23 May 2024; workshop: 31 May – 1st June 2024
Venue: Brusov State University, Yerevan
Local organiser: Arpine Hovhannisyan, Brusov State University
ECML moderators: Christine Lechner, Austria, and Renata Zanin, Italy
Participants: 22 language teachers working at the university, schools, language centres
As a local organiser and recent participant in the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) online Workshop on Action Research Communities (ARC), I am excited to share the incredible training and consultancy opportunities offered by ECML! These events are designed to empower language educators with cutting-edge methodologies and innovative practices, ensuring that we – Armenian language teachers – stay at the forefront of language teaching.
The ARC workshop was a transformative experience. You engage with educators from different Institutions, exploring innovative research methods, collaborative strategies, and effective practices in language education. The insights and practical tools develop the participants’ knowledge and creative impulses to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching.
ECML’s training and consultancy events cover a wide range of language education themes, including digital literacy, plurilingual education, and inclusive teaching strategies. These events are tailored to meet our diverse needs, offering engaging workshops and collaborative learning experiences.
By participating in ECML events, we benefit from the expertise of leading professionals in the field and join a supportive community of educators committed to excellence in language education. These programmes provide unparalleled opportunities to advance our skills, network with peers, and contribute to the evolution of language teaching.
I encourage all language educators to take advantage of these exceptional opportunities. Elevate your teaching and make a meaningful impact on your students’ language learning journeys.
Visit the ECML website to learn more and register for upcoming events. Together, we can transform language education and evolve further!
Arpine Hovhannisyan