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Mercator: three new regional dossiers published

Author: Anonym/Freitag, 18. Januar 2013/Categories: Publication

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 The Mercator Regional dossier series provides basic information about minority language education in different regions in Europe. The dossiers follow a set structure so as to enable easy comparison between different regions.

In December 2012, three new dossiers have been published:

The Regional dossier series now contains more than 40 different dossiers. All dossiers can be downloaded on the Mercator website.

ECML latest publications on regional and minority language education

  • Langues régionales/minoritaires dans l’éducation bi-/plurilingue – Langues d’ici, langues d’ailleurs (to be published in February 2013, only available in French):
    Teaching kit for teachers and teacher trainers, policy-makers and institutional managers. The publication provides a theoretical reference framework, a glossary of key terms, a collection of examples of good practice. It presents activities promoting intercomprehension between related varieties of languages and "other unrelated languages", as well as recommendations for decision makers in the area of education.
    Project website: English - French
  • A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to languages and cultures, 2012:
    The publication and the website present a comprehensive list of descriptors (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) considered necessary within the perspective of a plurilingual and intercultural education. They provides teaching materials for putting the development of these resources into practice. The teacher can select an activity from a database according to the specific resources for knowledge, skills and attitudes which s/he has identified from the framework.
    Project website:  English - French - German



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