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Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG): ECML national training workshop (4 - 6 February 2020, Prague, Czech Republic)

Author: Adelina Rosca/Montag, 29. Juni 2020/Categories: Czech Republic, 6mtp TaC Evaluation and assessment

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Local organiser: Kamila Kolmašová, National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic

ECML experts: Gábor Szabó, Hungary; Jana Bérešová, Slovak Republic

Participants: 21 (language testers and examiners, item writers, teachers, teacher trainers and curriculum developers of Czech as a foreign (second) language)



“The workshop focusing on the RELANG module “Applying the CEFR and new Companion Volume to the development of tests of second language competence” was held on 4-6 February 2020 in Prague. The participants were comprised of language testers and examiners, item writers, teachers, teacher trainers and curriculum developers of Czech as a foreign (second) language both for adult migrants and migrant pupils.

During the event the participants were familiarised with the main new elements within the Companion Volume which are descriptor scales for mediation and plurilingual/pluricultural competence, an extended definition of “plus levels” and a new “Pre-A1 level”, a more elaborate description of listening and reading in the existing scales and further developing the description at A1 and at the C levels. The structure of the workshop was carefully prepared according to participants’ needs and requirements with a special focus on evaluation of productive skills, revision of learning outcomes including the linking to relevant CEFR levels, revision of tasks and development of valid items related to the CEFR.

The whole workshop was a great opportunity for participants to provide feedback on forthcoming or already existing language tests or curricula for Czech as foreign (second) language. Participants could exchange their ideas within a format of practical or expert discussions and get to know some issues in the field of language testing much better and - last but not least - could gain deeper knowledge of language testing.”


Kamila Kolmašová, local organiser, 20 February 2020


ECML project website: RELANG – EU-ECML cooperation agreement 2019-2020 "Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning"


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