Date: 25-26 May 2018
Venue: Ljudska univerza Kranj, Medgeneracijski center Kranj, Cesta talcev 7, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia
Local organiser: Ljudska univerza Kranj
ECML experts: Pauline Ernest, Martina Emke, Joseph Hopkins
Participants: 25 primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, teachers in adult education
The participants took part in a 2-day training in the application of pedagogical principles in teaching languages with technology. The event, aimed primarily at teachers in adult education, managed to bring together teachers who teach at different levels in their regular jobs, but at the same time do contract work and teach adults.
Throughout the workshop the effective use of ICT tools was promoted and critical thinking encouraged. The pre-workshop survey enabled the moderators to tailor the activities of the workshop to the needs of the participants. It was especially stressed that ICT tools should be used to enhance the learning at different stages of the learning process.
Participants found the bank of open resources especially valuable and were impressed that the resources can be used for teaching not only English but also other languages. They praised the opportunity to share ideas with their colleagues, to develop new activities and provide or receive comments on them.
The moderators used different ICT activities throughout the workshop to demonstrate their use and encourage the participants to use the presented strategies with their learners. The enthusiasm that the team exhibited during the workshop created the most welcoming but at the same time productive environment. The perfect balance of practical activities and discussions, underpinned with theoretical knowledge ensured that this was an excellent learning experience for everyone involved.
Ljudska univerza Kranj, local organiser
Udeleženci so sodelovali na dvodnevnem izobraževanju o apliciranju pedagoških principov pri poučevanju tujih jezikov s tehnologijo. Delavnica je bila primarno namenjena učiteljem, ki poučujejo odrasle, a je v končni izvedbi združila učitelje, ki poučujejo na različnih stopnjah, opravljajo pa pogodbeno delo v izobraževanju odraslih.
Izvajalci so ves čas delavnice predstavljali različna IKT orodja in spodbujali kritično mišljenje. Anketa, opravljena pred delavnico, je izvajalcem omogočila, da so aktivnosti prilagodili potrebam udeležencev. Posebej je bilo poudarjeno, da naj se IKT orodja uporabljajo za povečanje učinka učenja na različnih stopnjah učnega procesa.
Udeleženci so bili še posebej navdušeni nad zbirko virov, ki se lahko uporabljajo tudi za poučevanje drugih jezikov in ne le angleščine. Udeleženci so cenili čas, namenjen izmenjavi mnenj s kolegi in pripravi novih idej, ter čas za konstruktiven pogovor o idejah. Izvajalci delavnice so med delavnico demonstrirali uporabo različnih orodij in spodbujali udeležence k uporabi predstavljenih strategij z njihovimi učenci.
Navdušenje, s kakršnim so moderatorji izvajali delavnico, je ustvarilo zelo prijetno vzdušje kot tudi zelo produktivno delovno okolje. Odlično ravnotežje praktičnih aktivnosti in pogovorov, podkrepljeno s podajanjem teoretičnih osnov, je bilo zagotovilo, da je bila delavnica odlična učna izkušnja za vse sodelujoče.