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219 tools in total
Platform to listen to radio stations globally
Platform for connecting among teachers and schools in Europe
Online platform offering courses by educational institutions
Pronunciation Dictionary
Screen recording tool
AI-powered online video creator
Screen recorder and video creator
Video editing and slide presenting tool for macOS and iOS
Multilingual translation with many features
Online graphic creator
AI-powered chatbot for language learning
AI-powered translator
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Creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics
Open-source web conferencing tool
Course organisation and assessment tool
Web-conferencing tool
Game app focused on Romance languages
Word cloud creator based on Wordle
AI-powered slide creation tool for real-time audience feedback
Platform to share and find materials for language teaching
Virtual collaboration canvas for content sharing
Tool to personalise and embed content into websites
Social platform to find and pin content
Flashcard and quiz maker
Collaborative mind mapping tool
Free and open-source toolbox for education