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The place of home languages at school: participate in a European survey!

Author: Catherine Seewald/23 April 2021/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2020-2023, Resources for the assessment of home language competences of migrant pupils

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The RECOLANG team (Resources for assessing the home language competences of migrant pupils) is carrying out a European survey on the place of home languages at school, particularly within different education programmes or curricula involving migrant adolescents aged 11-18.

This survey focuses on the practices of assessing home language skills and their role in different European education systems. More detailed information on the survey can be found below.

The survey is made up of two complementary sections aimed at two different target audiences:

  • A section aimed at pupils aged between 11 and 18 (or their families), who are from a migrant background and one or more home languages other than the language(s) of the school. This section is available in Arabic, English, French, German, Persian (Dari/Farsi), Portuguese and Turkishhttps://surveyforlearners.questionpro.com
  • A section for schools and educational institutions, teaching and supervisory staff in schools, reception centres and organisations involved in initial and further professional development of teachers working with this age group (11-18 years). This section is available in English, French, German, Hungarian and Portuguese: https://enqueteinstitutionseducatives.questionpro.com

The survey will be online until the end of 2021. We would be very grateful if you could participate in this survey and disseminate it as widely as possible through your professional networks to anyone who might be interested in this project.

The Recolang project team


Further information :

This survey will provide a better understanding of:

  • whether and how pupils' languages and cultures are taken into account at school, and for what educational purpose (in relation to learner progress or to teacher professional development);
  • how all language skills and their uses can be recognised in relation to learner progress or to teacher professional development.

This survey is based on numerous research studies which show the importance of taking account of all the languages young people bring with them to school.

Research on plurilingual competence shows us that learning a language (the language of schooling, for example) builds on the other (varieties of) languages that an individual (child, adolescent, adult) has at his or her disposal, in his or her repertoire.

Your opinion on these issues is important. By giving your opinion and sharing your experience, you will be contributing to the debate on integration and education issues related to bi/multilingual audiences, particularly migrants.

Based on the results of this survey, a collaborative workshop with representatives of the European countries involved in the project will provide an opportunity to analyse whether and how home languages are taken into account in the different education systems. This analysis will enable us to reflect on the conditions to be taken into account for formative assessment (adapted to the audiences concerned) of pupils' home language skills.

The results of the survey and the collaborative workshop will make it possible to:

  • cooperate in formulating recommendations for European education policy;
  • contribute to improving the quality of European education systems and programmes for all pupils.

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