Local organisation: Ms Snježana Banek, Ministry of Science and Education
Participants: 19 teachers in elementary and secondary schools, teacher trainers, university professors and assistants
The training event on the European Electronic Language Portfolio (e-ELP) was held in Zagreb on 23 and 24 May 2019, in cooperation of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
A team of experts from the ECML, designers of the e-ELP platform, contacted the participants in the preparatory period before the workshop was held by e-mail, with instructions and a link to enable them to access the e-ELP platform and test it.
During the workshop participants were informed about the possibilities of the electronic tool, its use and applicability of the electronic ELP platform for teachers in primary and secondary schools, professors in higher education and students, in the context of formal and informal language learning.
Ms Snježana Banek, local organiser of the event
- More information about the ECML training and consultancy offer "Electronic European Language Portfolio. Supporting local networks in using an electronic European Language Portfolio":
English - French
Croatian version
U suradnji Europskog centra za moderne jezike i Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja 23. i 24. svibnja 2019. godine je u Zagrebu održana dvodnevna radionica Electronic European Language Portfolio e-ELP - elektronički Europski jezični portfolio.
Tim stručnjaka Europskog centra za strane jezike koji su surađivali u osmišljavanju platforme kontaktirao je sudionike u pripremnom razdoblju prije održavanja radionice e-mailom, s uputama te poveznicom na kojoj im je omogućen pristup e-ELP platformi i njezino testiranje.
Tijekom radionice sudionici su informirani o mogućnostima elektroničkog alata te korištenju i primjeni elektroničke ELP platforme namijenjene učiteljima, nastavnicima i profesorima u osnovnom, srednjem i visokom obrazovanju, te učenicima i studentima, u kontekstu formalnog i neformalnog učenja jezika.