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Matériel pédagogique

La base de données de tâches METLA contient des exemples de tâches de médiation (inter)linguistique dans différentes langues et pour différents contextes. Le matériel pédagogique METLA n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Il y a cependant 15 langues disponibles pour le matériel de l'élève. Vous pouvez les rechercher en utilisant la recherche par langue ci-dessous

Langues disponibles

Ici, vous pouvez rechercher des documents dans une langue spécifique. Il peut s'agir de la langue impliquée dans la tâche (une langue que le matériel aborde) et/ou de la langue du matériel d'apprentissage de l'élève (une langue avec laquelle les élèves sont censés travailler).

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4 tâche(s) de médiation
page: 1 

School World Song Contest (Task 37)

This activity is about incorporating learners’ home languages and an (inter-/pluri) cultural component. The learners watch a video news item about the Eurovision Song Contest and/or read an accompanying online text - both in Language A (the language of schooling). They then condense and summarise three key points in Language B (French) about Eurovision from the two source texts for the school newspaper or the school whiteboard and collaborate to produce a poster in Language B based on the information in the texts - the aim of the poster is to advertise a multilingual school song contest. They then prepare for an oral presentation about music in their home countries in Language B (with help from their families). They also use their mediation skills to record a voice message in their home language (Language C) to explain the information in the poster to their families.

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Lost dog (Task 4)

The aim of this activity is to practise a specific vocabulary, introduce learners to different text media, and raise intercultural awareness. Learners read a short text in Language A about a friend’s missing dog and they then have to create an Instagram post and a “lost dog” flyer in Language B.

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Students’ housing problems (Task 10)

The task discusses the living situation of university students in Germany and other European countries and invites learners to reflect on their plans after graduation. First, the situation is displayed in an info text and graphics. The learners then mediate the contents to a friend in the form of a voice message and explain it further in a WhatsApp message. Then they compare the situation in Germany to their friends’ and family’s experiences in other countries. In task 4, another text about living with the parents is read and mediated to another friend. Finally, the learners prepare a panel discussion (in groups) about the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents during university. They receive two texts in favour and two texts against living with parents (in English) and watch a video (in German) in order to prepare the discussion.

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Mediation in intercultural daily communication (Task 27)

This task aims at developing learners’ abilities to evaluate the use of mediation strategies in daily situations. By analysing a cross-linguistic (Arabic-French) and intercultural situation as depicted in a literary work, learners are able to discuss how intercultural differences, linguistic skills, and power structures impact the outcomes of mediation in daily interaction. Even if the task is almost exclusively planned to be developed in the target language (French) at an advanced level, learners can rely on their knowledge of the official/school language (Language A) and of Arabic (as possible heritage language).

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