Here you can search for materials involving a specific language. This can be the language involved in the task (a language that the material addresses) and/or the language of the student’s learning material (a language students are expected to work with).
Engaging learners in the crisscrossing of information available in several media in different languages, this task aims at developing their critical thinking and skills of relating and interpreting. Because young people consume information in several languages, this task intends to bring their multiliteracy skills to the foreign language classroom. The tasks, even if classroom-specific, are oriented towards students’ authentic, every day needs as consumers and producers of media.
Theme(s): Communication/social media
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume scale(s) for mediating text:
Relaying specific information in speech / in writing
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Linking to previous knowledgeAdapting languageStreamlining a text
Educational level(s): ISCED 1 (Primary education)ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)
CEFR language proficiency level(s): B2
Language(s) involved in the task: CroatianEnglishFrenchGermanhome language
Language(s) of the teacher's material: English
Language(s) of the student's materials: CroatianEnglishFrenchGerman
Hot topics and digital media German-English-French (Task 16)
Hot topics and digital media German-Croatian-English (Task 40)
More details on these levels
ISCED 1: Primary education ISCED 2: Lower secondary education ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
More details on these scales