Here you can search for materials involving a specific language. This can be the language involved in the task (a language that the material addresses) and/or the language of the student’s learning material (a language students are expected to work with).
The aim of the task is to compile a class Padlet (in Irish) comprising a series of video and text summaries of information learners gather online about work experience placements. They firstly watch a video in which other learners share ideas in English on work experience placements, then they use a specific web resource in English to learn about various work experience possibilities for their Transition Year placements. They choose an experience which interests them, and they learn relevant vocabulary in Irish related to careers to help them complete a task in Irish which involves contributing a video recording and short text to a class Padlet.
Theme(s): Teen life
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume scale(s) for mediating text:
Relaying specific information in speech / in writingProcessing text in speech / in writing
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)ISCED 3 (Sekundarbereich II (mit allgemein- und berufsbildenden Bereichen))
GeR-Niveau: B1
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischIrisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischIrisch
Transition year work experience English-Irish (Task 46)
More details on these levels
ISCED 1: Primary education ISCED 2: Lower secondary education ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
More details on these scales