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Examples of modules 

This section contains three examples of secondary school teacher education modules concerned with a) the language of schooling in teaching, b) the profession-specific language competences of teachers of various subjects, c) an introduction to the academic discipline of linguistics for future teachers. The modules are exemplified by means of their course descriptions.

Below in Table 3, there is a short description of the module “Slovene for teachers”, which is offered to future secondary school teachers at the University of Ljubljana. The content includes various topic areas ranging from information on the status and use of Slovene to various communicative strategies in the target language. It is offered as an optional (elective) course to future secondary school teachers of a range of subjects other than languages.

Further down in Table 4 is a description of the module “Profession-specific language competences", a module offered to future secondary teachers of all subjects at the St. Gallen University of Teacher Education. One key aim of the course is to highlight the role of language as a key means of teaching, as well as an instrument that both represents and constructs the subject matter in different disciplines.

Table 5 contains an account of the module “Introduction to Linguistics”, also from the St. Gallen University of Teacher Education. It is part of the curriculum for future lower secondary foreign language teachers. It approaches a range of linguistic sub-disciplines from a multilingual perspective, to equip teachers with competences for plurilingual and intercultural education.

See also Building block 3 for further examples of teacher education modules.

TASK A You are invited to read the module descriptions in Tables 3 – 5 with the following questions in mind:

i. Do the courses described below cover language-sensitive education in a way that could be useful in your context?

ii. Which topic areas from these courses would you consider incorporating into the modules that you are reviewing / revising?

iii. Which profession-specific aspects do you think are missing, and how could they be embedded?