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    Frank Heyworth book of condolences

A fond farewell to Frank Heyworth

Frank Heyworth passed away on 12 January 2025. It was a great pleasure to get to know and work with Frank over a period of many years. He was a true gentleman, whose accomplishments are enviable – to pick out just a few: Frank studied with JRR Tolkien; was an Oxford blue at rugby; lived and worked in over 10 countries; was the Director of Eurocentres and the first Secretary General of EAQUALS and was a devoted family man and latterly grandfather. 

His first encounter with the European Centre for Modern Languages  took place over 25 years ago – delivering a workshop in 1999 entitled ”Innovative approaches to the organization and set-up of language education” which led on to the publication  of “A guide to project management”. The guide served as an essential reference for all projects organized at the ECML - when the Centre was beginning to move from hosting series of workshops to a project-based format of activities. 

The ECML was fortunate to be able to benefit from Frank’s expertise and commitment at a particularly crucial stage of its development, helping to shape its future work. In his early days at the Centre he focused on forward-looking topics breaking new ground such as, the “Organization of innovation in language education”, the “Status of language educators” and “Facing the future in language education” – proposing a new paradigm for language education in the light of the major developments at European level through the publication of Council of Europe instruments (such as the Common European Framework of Reference and the European Language Portfolio) in which Frank was also actively involved . He seemed to thrive most when working collaboratively within a team, bringing together and capturing expertise and experience from wide a range of contexts. This is reflected in his work on the series of Qualitraining activities together with Laura Muresan, which focus on developing a quality culture within language education, and in the “TrainEd Kit” a practical guide for newcomers in the field of language teacher education, developed together with Gabriela Matei.

Having contributed so much in terms of content to the development of the ECML,  Frank was invited to take on the role of programme consultant – where he offered advice on the Centre’s projects and acted as a sounding board and source of encouragement for ECML project coordinators. He fulfilled this role with great passion and skill, reaching up and coming generations of language professionals for 12 years. In stepping down from the function in 2019 – he made a typically modest appreciation of his contribution to the ECML at the Centre’s 25th anniversary conference (naturally he had been on the editing team of a publication to highlight the impact of the Centre’s work over a quarter of a century!). 

Although this was supposed to mark his official ‘retirement’ from the ECML – that word didn’t seem to exist in Frank’s vocabulary! With the onset of the Covid pandemic, in the autumn of 2020 Frank was a driving force behind an EAQUALS initiative  (together with Richard Rossner and Peter Brown) to highlight how the pandemic was affecting language education and look at ways in which the skills and insights gained during this turbulent period could lead to beneficial lasting changes in the teaching and learning of languages. The initiative took wings and led to a survey completed by thousands of language education professionals.

It is a true reflection of Frank’s character that at a time when he could have been winding down and enjoying a well-deserved rest, he instead devoted time to setting up an entirely new initiative for the benefit of future generations of teachers. Frank had a huge heart and was an inspiration to us all at the ECML and indeed to the many people who worked with him. Where others might have become jaded and cynical, he proposed creative new ideas looking towards the future and sought to help others develop their competences - even as his own health was beginning to fail. He is the embodiment of the quote by Henry Adams,  “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”– we cannot imagine just how important Frank Heyworth’s influence has been but we would like to pay tribute to a wonderful human being whose life has enriched us all.

On behalf of all those who worked with him at the ECML we would like to express our deepest sympathy to Frank’s wife, Anne-Marie, and his family. We will miss you, Frank!

A book of condolences for anyone who worked with Frank and would like to post a message has been opened below.

Messages of condolence

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11 February 2025
Kim Haataja
A sad piece of news indeed - but bringing out many beautiful memories at the same time: Frank's friendly and professional consultancy at many ECML-occasions, especially throughout our first CLIL-LOTE-measures from as early as 2008 onwards, was and remains truly a "journey to remember". So grateful for having had the opportunity to work with him. My condolences to family and friends.

11 February 2025
Alan Maley
Dear Frank will be sorely missed by all those who knew him. He was the epitome of kindness to everyone he worked with - and of modesty about his own considerable achievements. Go well, Frank!

05 February 2025
Roy Cross
I have very fond memories of the time Frank and I spent together working on ECML projects. Always good humoured, never a pushover, genuinely committed to his profession in an altruistic manner that very few people are, Frank was a genial genie whose lantern illuminated many a discussion. I miss him.

05 February 2025
Susanna Dammann
Frank was a great educator and a great colleague. It was a privilege to know him and to work with him at Eaquals He will be much missed and I send my condolences to his family.

05 February 2025
Brigitte Gerber
Quelle triste nouvelle! Franck était la générosité, la finesse et la gentillesse incarnées. Je garderai de lui un souvenir lumineux. Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille.

29 January 2025
Andy Hockley
Really sorry to read this news. Frank was an engaging, thoughtful, caring and open-minded educator and expert. He will be very much missed. My condolences to his family

26 January 2025
Christine Lechner
I was so sorry to read about Frank's passing. Frank Heyworth was a wonderful project consultant with a gift for bringing out the best in individuals and in teams. He was an amazingly knowledgeable and generous academic and a very kind man. He will be sadly missed.

21 January 2025
Zorica Kovacevic, Belgrade, Serbia
My heartfelt condolences to Frank's family.
We will all miss you Frank.
We will miss your openness and willingness to share your knowledge in all corners of Europe.

19 January 2025
Carol Liapis
So sad to hear about it - he was my mentor as a trainee inspector - a lovely person and a source of knowledge, always willing to share. His legacy to Eaquals and language education will still live on. May he rest in peace. He will be missed...

19 January 2025
Antoinette Camilleri Grima
A sad loss indeed. Thank you Frank. Condolences to all the family.

19 January 2025
Michael Carrier
I'm deeply saddened by Frank's death, my condolences to Anne-Marie and family.

Frank was a wonderful colleague. I worked with him for many years at Eurocentres, in the golden age of ELT, when Frank and Rolf Scharer had the vision (and resources) to encourage innovation and pedagogical development.

Frank was a good man, kind and generous, smart, insightful and well-read. Those of us who worked at Eurocentres owe him a lot.

18 January 2025
Alexander Braddell
So sorry to hear of Frank's death. My condolences to his family. I met Frank in his role as ECML project consultant, and benefited greatly from his expertise - always dispensed with kindness and generosity. I am grateful to him and will miss him.

18 January 2025
Nicolas KRAVIC
Un gentleman suisse toujours souriant et très apprécié, un érudit passioné par la transmission du savoir. Reposez-en paix M. Heyworth!

18 January 2025
Martyn Ellis
I had the pleasure of working with Frank when I was principal of Eurocentres London Victoria and also through my work over many years with Eaquals, including a memorable stint at ECML in the late nineties. Generous, supportive, academically progressive and extraordinarily well-read, I will always appreciate the selflessness he demonstrated in his dealings with colleagues. he will be sorely missed.

17 January 2025
Sue Hackett
So sad to hear this news - he was a lovely man and leaves a lasting legacy to Eaquals and to the language education world. He will be sorely missed. May he rest in peace.

17 January 2025
Ovidiu Ursa
I'm deeply saddened by Frank's passing. He was so generous in sharing his experience and professionalism with all who sought to learn from him. Our national association owes its beginnings - and many of its later achievements - to Frank Heyworth. A genuine professional and a true friend, he offered us advice, solutions, and guidance, always accompanied by a warm smile or lightened by his great sense of humour. We are grateful to have had him as our mentor and friend. Our deepest sympathy to Frank's family.

17 January 2025
Jonas Erin
C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que j'ai appris la disparition de Franck. Sa grande expertise, sa capacité d'écoute et d'analyse et sa bienveillance nous manqueront terriblement. Pour moi, il incarnait pleinement les valeurs que portent le Conseil de l'Europe et le CELV. Il avait une éthique des relations interpersonnelles que l'on oublie pas, un sens de l'intérêt général, une vision incarnée de l'humanisme européen. Merci pour tout, cher Franck! Avec toutes mes sincères condoléances à sa famille et ses proches.

17 January 2025
Bernd Rüschoff
Hearing that Frank has passed made me very sad, but the sad news also immediately brought back many memories of a very dear, helpful, reliable, supportive, and - above all - human (in all senses of that word) colleague. We had many encounters over the years, and working with him on the COVID initiative makes that project special to me and stand out amongst the many CoE and ECML activities I have been involved in. Representative of his immense contribution to language education, the quality of outcome greatly benefited from Frank's diligence, expertise, and clarity of thought and reflection. Also, his cooperative work ethic and continuing guidance made us a better team. Thank you, Frank! My condolences to all his family and close friends

17 January 2025
Kieron Mahon
So sad to hear of Frank's passing. I will always remember the wonderful welcome from Frank when we first became part of the EAQUALS family. May he rest in peace

16 January 2025
Inge Birnie
I will remember Frank as a very thoughtful, kind person who was supportive of the work of our project for which he was the consultant. His advise and support was very much appreciated and made the project all the stronger. My deepest sympathies go to Frank's family.

16 January 2025
Mike Makosch
So sad to hear Frank has passed away. I will always appreciate his innovative, inspiring ideas and the calm, concentrated and committed style in which he communicated them. It was a privilege to have worked with him in the 90’s and 00’s

16 January 2025
Dubravka Šinko
Frank’s passing is a great loss, but his legacy lives on in the many lives he touched. My heartfelt thoughts and deepest sympathies go to Frank’s family, colleagues, and all who were fortunate to work with him.

15 January 2025
Ian Brangan
So sorry to hear of Frank's passing. He was a role model for those of us involved in Eaquals from the 90's on. The fact that he led the inspection scheme that inspected the cofounding schools so rigorously shows the respect that he is held in. He was so generous with his time and advice and his passion for education was easy for all of us to see. He was the person who did the first advisory visit in the school I was working in and we were so lucky to get his guidance.
He will be missed.

15 January 2025
Timothy Black
It was Frank who I first meet as the face of EAQUALS when we were inspected 25 years ago and it was Frank who I did my first Inspection with in Munich. Two Brits inspecting a German school both coming from Switzerland!

Frank has been my bench mark ever since in matters concerning EAQUALS. He was one of the EFL greats and I was privileged to work with him.

15 January 2025
David Bish
Thank you Frank for all you have done for the profession. Truly a life well lived.