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One questionnaire, 57 experts from 27 countries, 8 working groups – the CLIL LOTE network

Author: Catherine Seewald/15 December 2021/Categories: Show on front page, Programme of activities, ECML programme 2020-2023, CLIL in languages other than English

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In 2020/21, the ECML national authorities kindly provided us with contact details for experts with specific insight into CLIL and/or languages other than English in their country. We approached these experts and asked them to fill in a questionnaire which the project team and associate partners had developed based on previous Eurydice publications (2006, 2017). The survey was completed by experts from 29 countries.

The main results can be summarized as follows: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is only found to a very limited extent in languages other than English. Transitions between levels of education are given very little attention. And CLIL is almost never linked to plurilingual education. In the comments section, several experts pointed out that it is difficult to build a bridge between things that hardly exist: “There are so few examples of CLIL LOTE that meaningful transitions are difficult to establish”. You can find the survey results here.

The project’s network meeting in June was attended by around 60 experts, and here the CLIL LOTE network was launched. In the school year 2021/22, 57 experts from 27 countries will form working groups and produce concrete materials to show ways in which CLIL LOTE transitions can be strengthened. These will consist of recommendations for the further development of curricula and teacher education; teaching materials that, among other things, build on the CEFR; portfolio examples and suggestions for how to establish collaboration between schools, teachers, and students at different levels of education.

The project team: Petra Daryai-Hansen (coordinator), Satu Koistinen, Beate Lindemann, Evangélia Moussouri


Project website “CLIL in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages” in English, French and German: www.ecml.at/CLILLOTEtransitions


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