
On 10th and 11th December the ECML will present the results of its current programme 2012-15, “Learning through languages" and launch its new programme 2016-19, “Languages at the heart of learning".
Moreover, the ECML will celebrate 20 years of successful activity in the field of language education - of anticipating, addressing and adapting to the evolving needs of its 33 Member States and of building and strengthening networks and partnerships at national, European and international level.
This two day event will combine a hands-on workshop at the ECML premises with a reception for the wider public at the prestigious Meerscheinschlössl at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, generously sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and Women’s Affairs.
In the workshops, participants will get to know the current programme outputs in detail and will be able to share ideas and best practice on how to disseminate and implement these rich resources in different educational contexts and countries. These outputs together represent a ready-make tool-kit for everyone involved in language education: parents, teacher and teacher educators (from pre-primary to adult vocational), curriculum developers and educational decision-makers. They will help address burning challenges such as support for learners from a migrant background, the development of teachers’ digital skills or the need to increase both subject and language depth in CLIL classrooms, to name but a few.
Training and consultancy FAIR
Participants will also have a chance to meet the experts who will be delivering ECML Training and Consultancy 2016-19, tailored to the needs of individual countries.
Activities at the Meerscheinschlössl
The new ECML programme 2016-19, “Languages at the heart of learning” will be officially launched at the Meerscheinschlössl, where a panel of experts from different ECML member states will give their perspectives on the ways in which the ECML addresses national challenges at European level. The panel discussion will be followed by keynote speeches from senior representatives of the Council of Europe headquarters, the European Commission and the University of Graz who will consider the vital role of European cooperation in the area of language education to build a better, more socially cohesive Europe. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit the ECML Publications Fair.