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Teacher competences for languages in education

This activity is an offer for teacher educators and curriculum planners who are concerned with the development of language-related teacher competences. Participants work with a detailed catalogue of teacher competence frameworks that was compiled and analysed in the ECML project "Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for language teachers".

Workshop modules and resources
ECML related themes

Useful ECML resources

  • A guide to teacher competences for languages in education
  • Action-research communities for language teachers
  • Conbat + – Content based teaching and plurilingual/cultural awareness
  • Descriptors – Language descriptors for migrant and minority learners' success in compulsory education
  • Educomigrant – Collaborative community approach to migrant education: a virtual open course for educators
  • E-lang – Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages
  • EOL – Learning environments where modern languages flourish
  • FREPA/CARAP – A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures
  • Illey – Inspiring language learning in the early years
  • Language in subjects – Developing language awareness in subject classes
  • Maledive – Teaching the language of schooling in the context of diversity: study materials for teacher development
  • Marille – Majority language instruction as a basis for plurilingual education
  • PEPELINO – European portfolio for pre-primary educators: the plurilingual and intercultural dimension
  • PlurCur – Towards whole-school language curricula: examples of practice in schools
  • A Pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning
  • PluriMobil – Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility: practical resources for teachers and teacher trainers
  • Roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling