Date, venue, format: 2-3 December 2021, face to face event in Nicosia, Cyprus
Local organiser: Maria Iacovidou, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth of Cyprus
ECML experts: Jackie Robbins, Spain; Pauline Ernest, Spain
Participants: 20 foreign language teachers (mainly English language teachers + Spanish and Russian language teachers), heads of departments, teacher trainers, advisors from both secondary and primary education
A number of language teachers in Cyprus from all sectors had the opportunity to participate in the ICT-REV workshop “Using ICT in support of language teaching and learning” so as to include more ICT tools in the teaching, learning and assessment process.
In this two-day workshop the participants were introduced to a number of digital tools and then designed activities according to the trainers’ instructions. The activities were designed to encourage participation and engage learning in the classroom, subsequently enhancing all four skills. Of course, all of this was done in a pedagogically sound way. An collaborative workspace online was created where teachers could share ideas and good practices and gain new insights into language teaching and learning.
The ECML language experts, Jackie Robbins and Pauline Ernest, who led the workshops offered practical tips for both face to face and distance learning scenarios. The atmosphere during the workshop was positive and quite lively, especially during group work where experiences were shared. All participating teachers commented favourably about both trainers, saying that they were extremely efficient, highly competent and thoroughly professional.
It was a very useful workshop which should be followed up on.
Maria Iacovidou, local organiser of the event