Marie-Josée Hamel, Sarah Breslin, Hilaire Lemoine @ OLBI, March 2015
The World Congress for Modern Languages (WCML) (26-28 March 2015, Niagara Falls) provided an excellent opportunity to promote the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI, Ottawa) and its Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language (CCERBAL) at two symposiums.
At the first symposium, about ten Canadian researchers discussed their contribution to the activities of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of
the Council of Europe, while the second symposium gathered a dozen CCERBAL researchers who shared their best practices in teaching, learning and second language assessment.
Sarah Breslin, Executive Director of the ECML, was OLBI’s guest of honour. In addition to presenting at the World Congress for Modern Languages, Sarah presented the work of the ECML, the Call for submissions for the Centre’s next programme of activities 2016-2019 “Languages at the heart of learning” and the added value of the partnership with Canada during visits to OLBI itself, to the Centre for Educational Research on Language and Literacies at the University of Toronto, to the Canadian Council of Ministers, the Ontario Ministry of Education and Canadian Heritage. Sarah’s visit coincided with the launch of OLBI’s new publication - Canadian participation in ECML projects 2008 to 2015 which outlines the participation of Canadian experts over the course of two ECML programmes and demonstrates the powerful “multiplier” effect of this partnership and its positive impact on Canadian research and language education.
Information source and photo credit: OLBI/University of Ottawa, In other words, April 2015.
University of Ottawa/OLBI, Canada and the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML): Canadian participation in ECML projects 2008-2015, 2015 / Le Canada et le Centre européen pour les langues vivantes (CELV): La participation canadienne aux travaux du CELV 2008 à 2015
1st part - 2nd part
ECML web pages dedicated to the cooperation between the ECML and Canada (official contacts, experts involved, resources)