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25th ECML anniversary declaration: inviting contributions from all conference participants!

Author: Catherine Seewald/04 December 2019/Categories: Show on front page, ECML conference 2019, ECML programme 2016-2019, Training and Consultancy

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The ECML invites conference participants, including viewers following the livestream to comment on its draft anniversary declaration “QUALITY LANGUAGE EDUCATION FOR A DEMOCRATIC AND SOCIALLY COHESIVE EUROPE: NINE ECML CORNERSTONES”.

This declaration aims to raise awareness of the political importance of language education and the need for sustained and strengthened support for its professionalisation across Europe. 

The declaration will be presented on Thursday, 5 December, 16.15-16.45 and it will be possible to post comments on it until midday on Friday, 6 December.

A summary of the feedback will be presented in the plenary session and over the livestream on Friday 6 December, 16.15-16.35.

Please contribute to this important initiative and promote the opportunity to provide feedback on the declaration through your networks!

ONLINE POLL: https://ecml25anniversarydeclaration.questionpro.com

Livestream starting on 5 December at 10:30 CET: https://www.ecml.at/conference19


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