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Training event on "Developing online teaching skills for the 21st century classroom" in Denmark (Aarhus, 25-26 April 2019)

ECML training and consultancy

Author: Catherine Seewald/06 June 2019/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2016-2019, Training and Consultancy, 6mtp TaC Online technology (ICT-REV)

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Local organisation: Hanne Wacher Kjærgaard and Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska, The Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages, Aarhus University

ECML trainers: Martina Emke, Germany; Sarah Heiser and Ursula Stickler, United Kingdom

Participants: 25 language teachers and teacher trainers


On 25-26 April 2019, the ECML Contact Point Denmark, The Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages invited ECML experts in Aarhus to provide a training and consultancy workshop on Developing online teaching skills for the 21st century classroom (ICT-REV).

In the workshop, teachers and teacher trainers discussed their needs regarding the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the language classroom. Teachers and teacher trainers also explored various activities that they can use, and they reflected on techniques for achieving sustainability of results related to the integration of ICT tools. Participants explored the ICT-inventory, a database of freely available online tools and open educational resources for language teaching and learning developed by the ICT-REV project, and teachers prepared activities and tasks based on these tools. They shared their experiences with other participants and discussed what makes a successful activity. Both days were a good combination of theory and practical tasks. Some materials from ICT-REV project and the workshop will be adapted/modified to fit a particular institutional context.

Learn more about The Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning here.


Hanne Wacher Kjærgaard & Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska (local organisers), Aarhus University

  • More information about the ECML training and consultancy offer for member states is available here and on the local Danish website.





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