The QualiRom Seminar gathered participants involved in the education of Roma pupils. This rather heterogeneous group gathered:
representatives of Мinistries and Institutes dealing with educational policies, developing curricula, evaluation of the quality of textbooks, professional development of teachers and evaluation of the quality of education
teachers and assistants working directly in schools with Roma children
representatives of non-governmental organizations dealing with Roma education and
Roma students and teachers working at universities that educate teaching staff
It was essential to have such a heterogeneous group of participants from all levels so that the document presented by professors David Little and Jan Hero are used in the best possible way at all levels and fields of activity. The lecturers also presented the theoretical side of the document, the purpose and the multiple possibilities of its application, as well as the examples of good practice. Through the workshops, the lecturers tried to make each participant find the points in the document that is relevant to their work domain – from the descriptors that facilitate the development of curricula and testing to the specific teaching examples that can be directly applied in teaching and working with Roma children.
Participants used this opportunity to present strengths and weaknesses of their own teaching practices and they showed satisfaction that they could receive good advice and suggestions for teaching, as well as the possibility to develop better cooperation with everyone involved in Roma education. The participants were also satisfied to receive numerous materials at the seminar, especially the document prepared by the team and translated into the Serbian language and two dialects of the Romani language.
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