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Managing national events

A national event is an event organised in one of the member states and co-financed by the host authorities/institution with local or regional participants. These 1-2-day events are in general organised and moderated by two project team members, possibly with the help of a local workshop participant and offer a means of achieving larger scale involvement/piloting/training/dissemination at national level. Usually, the moderators of the event liaise with the national authorities/institution about the setting up and running of these events.

all documents + links
at bottom of page!
Duration: 1-2 days

Venue: Host institution in the ECML member state

Interpretation is not provided by the ECML. It is therefore important to highlight one language as a common working language for the moderator and for participants.

Travel and subsistence is provided by the ECML for 2 team members (as moderators of the event).

The ECML provides a fee of EUR 230 for a local organiser.

In addition to preparing, delivering and following up all issues relating to the content of the project the following overview lists essential tasks for managing this event.

Working documents for moderators - see below

ToDo's for the moderator

BEFORE THE EVENT, the moderators ...

  • liaise with the project coordinator and the local organiser concerning the planning of the event and the professional background of the expected participants;
  • draft the programme of the national event and send it to Margit Huber one week prior to the event;
  • liaise with the ECML's communication, documentation and resource centre (Catherine Seewald) concerning ECML publications sent to the venue to support the event. 

DURING THE EVENT, the moderators ...

  • animate the event;
  • ensure completion of the ECML post event evaluation by the participants of the event. The completed forms will be sent to the ECML by the local organiser.

AFTER THE EVENT, the moderators...

  • will receive the results of the post event questionnaire by the ECML to draw conclusions and to follow up possible issues in the meeting report;
  • draft a news item for the project website and forwards it to the second working language documentalist and the web correspondent;
  • send the report of the event to the project coordinator who forwards the report to the ECML (Margit Huber) within the 3 weeks following the event.
ToDo's for the local organiser

BEFORE THE EVENT, the local organiser...

  • liaises with the moderator of the event;
  • invites local participants
  • provides practical information to the moderators
    on suitable accommodation and on how to get to the venue.

AFTER THE EVENT, the local organiser...

  • sends the completed post-event questionnaires and
  • the participants' list within 1 week following the event to Margit Huber.
ToDo's for the second working language documentalist (SeWoLaDo)


  •  translates the news item and gives it to the website correspondent. 
ToDo's for the website correspondent (WeCo)


  • puts the news item online in both project languages;
  • updates the website with materials and texts provided by the coordinator, the second working language documentalist and other team members.
ToDo's for the mediation link person

BEFORE THE EVENT, the mediation link person...

  • informs project partners and networks based in the country of the venue about the event;
  • promotes the event to other ECML projects and to a wider audience (e.g. announcing the event to relevant networks, webmasters, newsletter editors);
  • consults the website "Tools for project promotion" for more inspiration.

Contact: Margit Huber and Catherine Seewald

Working documents for moderators

Programme template

List of participants template

Report form (including news item)

ECML post event evaluation questionnaire (participant)

ECML templates and model presentations

Powerpoint template with programme logo

Word template with programme logo

Powerpoint presentation introducing the ECML

Powerpoint presentation introducing the ECML programme 2012-2015

Further information...
