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“Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12”: new resource website for pre-primary and primary teachers and educators

Author: Catherine Seewald/Freitag, 22. Januar 2021/Categories: Show on front page, ECML publication, Early language learning, Languages of schooling, Plurilingual education, Language learning pathways for young children, ECML programme 2016-2019, Inspiring language learning in the early years

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The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe is pleased to announce the completion in both English and French of its resource website “Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12” (www.ecml.at/inspiringearlylearning), an output of the ECML programme “Languages at the heart of learning” (2016-2019).

 This website is packed with resources and strategies for teachers and educators in the pre-primary and primary sectors to help young children develop their linguistic and intercultural competences. These resources take account of the linguistic repertoires of children – the different languages they encounter at home, at school and in society – so that they can engage successfully with linguistic and cultural diversity. They are underpinned by a set of key guiding principles, also available on the website.

Users will become more aware of the benefits of early language learning in the context of multilingual classrooms and can choose from an extensive bank of practical classroom materials and inspiring stories, organised into three age groups (3-6, 6-9, 9–12-year-olds).

These pedagogical resources respond to the growing demand for support in early language education, ensuring language learning which is stimulating and enjoyable for learners and teachers alike.

“Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years –
Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12”

Click on the links below to go directly to the different resources:


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