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Unesco: The Bologna Process - Its impact on higher education development in Europe and beyond

New publication

Author: Catherine Seewald/30 April 2013/Categories: Unesco

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This book outlines the development of the Bologna Process. The authors provide an analysis of the origin  and a critical examination of the state of implementation; assess its impact in fostering greater student mobility, widening participation in higher education, and developing lifelong learning; point to the diversity of results across the 47 signatory countries; draw its implications for other regions; and finally consider the lessons to be learned from the European experience, and the challenges to be met in the future.

The booklets in the Unesco series "Fundamentals of Educational Planning" are written primarily for two types of clientele: those engaged in educational planning and administration, in developing as well as developed countries; and others, less specialised, such as senior government of cials and policy-makers who seek a more general understanding of educational planning and of how it is related to overall national development.

Book reference:
David Crosier and Teodora Parveva, The Bologna Process: Its impact on higher education development in Europe and beyond, Fundamentals of Educational Planning – 97, Paris: UNESCO, 2013

Dowload the book: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002206/220649e.pdf

New Unesco publications and abstracts may be consulted online: www.iiep.unesco.org


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