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“CLIL and beyond, a pluriliteracies approach – Teaching for deeper learning”

ECML training and consultancy event in Estonia (Tallinn, 16-17 May 2024)

Author: Catherine Seewald/05 July 2024/Categories: Show on front page, TaC news, Estonia, Training and Consultancy, 6mtp TaC CLIL

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Date and venue: 16-17 May 2024, Tallinn, Estonia
Local organiser: Kati Bakradze-Pank
ECML moderators: Kevin Schuck (Netherlands) and Susanne Staschen-Dielmann (Germany)
Participants: 22 trainers, teachers in kindergarten, primary, upper- and lower-secondary, university, adult education, integrated vocational and secondary education, newcomers in school levels


The “CLIL and beyond, a Pluriliteracies Approach – Teaching for Deeper Learning” training  targeted practicing teachers and teacher trainers who were interested in supporting schools and other teachers in implementing CLIL in general education, vocational education, and nonformal studies. The teachers participating had a background in implementing CLIL but required a more comprehensive and in-depth approach, in order to meet the current educational challenges in Estonia. Every teacher is a language teacher, and this means that CLIL has to become an integral and natural part of teaching in any subject or profession to students coming from pluricultural and plurilingual backgrounds in the current transitional period of Estonian-language education in Estonia.

The practical approaches presented during the workshop by the ECML experts Susanne Staschen-Dielmann and Kevin Schuck addressed the needs of practitioners, trainers, teachers at kindergarten, primary, upper- and lower-secondary, university, adult education, integrated vocational and secondary education and newcomers in school levels attending the workshop.

The primary objective of this workshop in Estonia was to learn more about  the various approaches and methods used in this important area. Both practical and theoretical aspects were discussed, ultimately benefiting not only learners in the classrooms but also the teachers themselves who cooperated with one another and shared their experiences.

Kati Bakradze-Pank


Estonian version

Kursus "Lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe ja mitmekeelsus - õpetamine sügavama õppimise eesmärgil" oli kursus praktiseerivatele õpetajatele ja õpetajakoolitajatele, kes olid huvitatud koolide ja teiste õpetajate toetamisest lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe rakendamisest üldhariduses, kutsehariduses ja mitteformaalses õppes. Osalevad õpetajad oli LAK-õppe rakendamise taustaga, kuid Eesti praeguste haridusprobleemide lahendamiseks oli vaja terviklikumat ja põhjalikumat lähenemist. Iga õpetaja on keeleõpetaja ja see tähendab, et LAK-õpe peab saama lahutamatuks ja loomulikuks osaks mistahes aine- või kutsehariduse andmisel mitmekultuurilise ja mitmekeelse taustaga õpilastele praegusel üleminekuperioodil eestikeelsele haridusele Eestis.

Praktilised lähenemised, mida Euroopa Nüüdiskeelte Keskuse eksperdid dr Susanne Staschen-Dielmann ja Kevin Schuck töötoas käsitlesid, vastasid praktikute, koolitajate, lasteaia-, alg-, põhi- ja keskkooli-, ülikooli-, täiskasvanuhariduse, integreeritud kutse- ja keskhariduse õpetajate vajadustele.

Meie kontekstis oli seminari esmane eesmärk rohkem teada saada erinevate lähenemisviisidest ja meetoditest, kus arutati nii praktilisi kui ka teoreetilisi aspekte, millest said kasu mitte ainult õppijad klassiruumis, vaid ka õpetajad ise koostöös oma kogemusi jagades.

Kati Bakradze-Pank




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