The dissemination workshop of the EOL project took place at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz on 7-8 March 2019. It brought together participants from 28 out of the 33 Council of Europe member states signatories of the Partial Agreement on development of language education.
The EOL project is an action research project of the ECML which is part of the four year programme entitled “Languages at the heart of learning”. The project, strongly supported by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research of France aims to meet the needs of the member states, concerning in particular the attractiveness and efficiency of language learning.
More than a hundred schools from 16 European countries are part of the network on which the work carried out during 4 years (2016-2019) was based. The collective intelligence of the network and the numerous stakeholders mobilised around schools – researchers, inspectors, trainers, professors – provided the following deliverables:
- an online training course for teachers and headmasters;
- a website containing more than fifty tools, resources from schools, science popularisation sheets, etc;
- a research text for publication by the ECML.
The workshop was based on a participative approach that involved participants, representatives of their countries, in witnessing and valuing the specificities of their countries’ learning environments. An enriched presentation was organised in order to mobilise the participants:
- Upstream, in the presentation of their educational context, expectations and reading of the issues related to learning environments;
- Downstream, in the experimentation of the EOL project on the French platform M@gistere and the valorization of their contributions on the European project site.
The workshop was conducted around four aspects of dissemination of the project:
- Access the general philosophy of the project
- Definition of learning environments
- Presentation of the EOL matrix by measuring the extent of the issues
- Understanding the change management processes
- Symbiotic approach to language issues at the school level
- Research results
- Development of an implementation strategy adapted to the context of each individual
- Development of a linguistic plan for a school
- Collaborative writing of an action plan
- Dissemination of the project through stakeholder training
- Project management and the contributions of hybridisation
- Valorisation of skills, stakeholders and schools
The dissemination workshop had three objectives:
- Share through the results of the EOL project the values promoted by the Council of Europe – Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Democracy – and the richness of the ECML projects
- Allow participants to access the EOL project and equip them for the dissemination of the project
- Expand the European EOL network
The survey carried out by the ECML at the end of the workshop shows that the EOL project received a very favourable reception, not only in its context but also in its operationalisation and the development of a European intelligence of language-related learning environments.

A. The topic of this workshop was relevant to the context of my work.
B. The presented approaches and materials are useful for my work.
C. I am convinced that learners in my country can benefit from the implementation of the presented approaches and materials.
D. The materials and approaches discussed at this workshop help me to promote plurilingual, intercultural and inclusive learning.
E. This workshop has given me ideas on how access to quality education for all learners can be improved.
F. I think this workshop is relevant for my country as it addresses current needs in language education.
G. This workshop has developed my professional competence further.
H. This workshop has motivated me to become more active in networking with the professional community.
I. This workshop encouraged me to play a more influential role in reform processes in my professional environment.
J. This workshop highlighted quality aspects of language education that I will promote in my professional environment.
By the end of 2019, the EOL project website will be available in three languages: French, English and German.
The project team:
Jonas Erin (coordinator), Kristin Brogan, Silvia Minardi, Lea Štiberc