Newsletter of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
Edition no. 20 - December 2013

1. Forthcoming events 2014
Conference of the Commitee of Ministers under the Austrian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe
On March 20/21st 2014 the Austrian Ministry for Education, Art and Culture, in co-operation with the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe, is organising a high-level educational conference on the theme “Quality Education and language competencies for 21st century society: traditions, challenges ,visions”. This non-technical conference will provide a platform for debate and discussion not only on the value of quality language education and the contribution it makes to wider educational goals, but also on how the challenges and burning issues confronting countries across Europe and beyond are being addressed.
Why not have your say? An interactive conference format will be used allowing key stakeholders and the wider public to contribute questions and comments in real time using social media and live streaming. Further information will be posted via Twitter, Facebook and the ECML website.
International Conference "Crossing continents: EPOSTL around the world" (ECML, Graz, Austria, 18-19 February 2014)
Conference news item
Conference website
Project website of the European Portfolio for Student Language Teachers (EPOSTL)
2. 2013 European Day of Languages
celebrated on all of the world’s continents

The 2013 European Day of Languages was celebrated in over 50 countries with over 620 events recorded in the EDL calendar of events. In terms of the number of activities celebrating EDL, Austria again confirmed its position as the country where the Day is most popular, with over 100 events taking place, followed by France with 75. Thanks mainly to cultural institutes, EDL events took place on all continents of the world this year (with the exception of Antarctica!). Yet, it is quite possible that there are many thousands of events taking place on the Day both in all corners of Europe and beyond which are not registered in the EDL calendar.
This year’s winner of the ‘most innovative’ event award, receiving around 1000 votes, was Croatia’s Grabrik Primary School with its ‘Language fun fair’ activity. The event involved a series of language-related games and activities taking place over a whole week.
As always, there were a huge variety of different events with intriguing titles and activities.
10 of the best from EDL 2013
On the island in Graz’s river mur the European Centre for Modern Languages celebrated the Day together with over 1500 participants at a day packed with activities, such as the mini language courses, multilingual choirs, short plays, games and tasting of international culinary delights!
Link to new video
To get an idea of the huge variety of events taking place, have a look at the EDL picture gallery.
We would be delighted to receive your suggestions to ‘feed’ the EDL website with amusing
- ‘Unique words’ (to a particular language)
- ‘Palindromes’ (words and sentences that read the same backwards)
- ‘Longest words’ in languages
- ‘Tongue twisters’ (that are difficult for native speakers and learners alike!)
- ‘Idioms of the world’ (often using very different metaphors to express the same concept)
- Along with any suggestions for the Teachshare section of the website: shared teaching materials and resources related to the European Day of Languages
For next year’s Day of Languages we are hoping to have the website in over 40 languages and to introduce a new section focusing on some of the unique features of Europe’s languages.
3. ECML programme 2012-2015: latest developments
ECML online survey to further develop the website of the Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to languages and cultures
The CARAP/FREPA website provides many teaching materials that are intended to promote pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures in the classroom and to develop multilingual and intercultural skills among learners of all disciplines.
The online survey aims to better understand the profiles and needs of the users, their perception of the website and wishes to further develop this platform. The survey takes 5-10 minutes. At the end of the survey you will find a nice surprise.
ECML programme events October-December 2013
- 10-11 October 2013, Darmstadt, Germany: network event "Plurilingual whole school curricula" (PlurCur)
New project flyer: English/German
- 29-31 October 2013, Graz, Austria: Network meeting “Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education" (CARAP for parents)
- 21-22 November 2013, Graz, Austria: Workshop 4/2013 "Languages in corporate quality" (LINCQ)
New project flyer: English/French
- 4-6 December 2013, Graz, Austria: Network meeting “Developing migrants’ language competences at the workplace” (LanguageforWork)
New project flyer: English/French
- 12-13 December 2013, Graz, Austria: Workshop 5/2013 "European portfolio for student teachers of pre-primary education" (Préélémentaire)
- MALEDIVE – Diversity in majority language learning-supporting teacher education: New project flyer: English/German
ECML training and consultancy for member states
This activity format launched in 2012 is intended to respond to the needs of the Centre's member states requesting support for developments in language education. The format and content of these activities is shaped to meet local needs and expectations. To date, activities within the scheme are offered in five areas: on-line technology for lifelong language education; testing and assessment in language education; education of young migrants and the language of schooling; education of adult migrants; plurilingual education.
- 24-26 September 2013, Warsaw, Poland: “Supporting local networks of users of the European Language Portfolio through an E-Platform (e-ELP)” – 4th Warsaw Language Conference: presentation and workshop
- 7 October 2013, Graz, Austria: Training event “Developing on-line teaching skills” (DOTS): national training workshop in the framework of the programme Österreichisches Bundesseminar „Mind the App“
- 14-15 November 2013, Reykjavík, Iceland: “Plurilingual and intercultural competences: descriptors and teaching materials” (FREPA/CARAP)
- 17-20 December 2013, Graz, Austria: “Plurilingual and intercultural competences: Descriptors and teaching materials” (CARAP national networks)
More information on ECML training and consultancy events and how to request these activities
Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning, ECML - EU cooperation agreement 2013-2014

Two initiatives are carried out within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the European Centre for Modern Languages and the European Commission, entitled "Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning".
Dedicated website
Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-rev)

The objectives of the ICT-rev initiative are to promote the benefits of ICT in language education; to identify and review a selection of freely available ICT tools and open educational resources which support language teaching and learning; to provide training and awareness-raising workshops for teachers, education stakeholders and multipliers, focusing on self-training in the use of ICT; and to develop a website with an inventory of reviewed tools and open educational resources.
Latest ICT-rev events:
- 30 September – 1 October 2013, Graz, Austria: network meeting
- 25-26 October 2013, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
- 12-14 December 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
More on ICT-rev: web pages (English) - flyer (English/French)
Relating Language Examinations to the Common European Reference Levels of Language Proficiency (RELANG)
The long-term objective of the RELANG initiative is that language examinations used in participating states ensure the valid and equitable assessment of learners, and that learners’ test performances are expressed in terms of CEFR levels which are valid, understood and widely accepted. As part of the initiative, a series of national workshops in participating states are offered to address such issues as principles of test construction and linking tests in relation to the CEFR; the application of these principles; practical tips and exercises. Support materials will also be developed and adapted to the specific needs of the participating states.
Latest RELANG events:
- 24-26 September 2013, Graz, Austria: national training workshop “Supporting local networks of users of the European Language Portfolio through an E-Platform (e-ELP)” – 4th Warsaw Language Conference: presentation and workshop
- “Relating language examinations to the common European reference levels of language proficiency: promoting quality assurance in education and facilitating mobility (RELANG)”
- 14-16 November 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 5-7 December 2013, Bucarest, Romania
More on RELANG: web pages (English) - flyer (English/French)
4. ECML traineeships:
next deadline 31 March 2014
From July to December 2013 the ECML benefited from the excellent support of Gabrielé Gedvilaité, Amina Šahinpašić, Ivana Simić and Adina Elena Stan. The ECML staff would like to say a big Thank You for their hard work and commitment and offer their best wishes to all of them.

Apply for an ECML traineeship from July - December 2014
The ECML offers traineeships for recent graduates with an excellent command of at least one of the working languages of the Council of Europe (English, French). Traineeships last 6 months (January to June or July to December) and candidates must apply for one of the areas of the Centre's work: programme activities; communication, information and documentation centre; or website. The Centre also offers traineeships in its administration section once a year from September to February.
More information on trainees' profiles, duties and tasks, on living and working conditions in Graz, together with the application procedure and form can be found on the ECML traineeship web pages.
Next application deadline: 31 March 2014 for the period July to December 2014
Website dedicated to ECML traineeships
Promotional video on ECML traineeships (launched on 20 December 2013
Application form
5. Resources
Promotional videos on the Documentation and Resource Centre of the ECML and on ECML traineeships
Within their 6-month traineeship (July-December 2013) at the ECML, Gabrielé Gedvilaité, Amina Šahinpašić, Ivana Simić and Adina Elena Stan created two promotional videos presenting:
- the Communication, Documentation and Resource Centre of the ECML,
- their experience working as trainees at the ECML and living in Graz, Austria.
Latest articles and publications referring to the ECML
Byram, Michael, Adelheid Hu (eds.), The European Centre for Modern Languages, in: Routledge encyclopaedia of language teaching and learning, Routledge, 2nd edition, 2013.
Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP), Courriel européen des langues, n° 29, novembre 2013.
Coste, Daniel (dir.) et al., Les langues au coeur de l'éducation: Principes, pratiques, propositions, Association pour le développement de l’enseignement bi-/plurilingue (ADEB), Fernelmont: E.M.E Editions, 2013.
Despagne Colette, “Promoting Plurilingualism: Majority Language in Multilingual Settings - Klaus Börge Boeckmann, Eija Aalto, Andreas Abel, Tatjana Atanasoska, and Terry Lamb. Graz, Austria: Council of Europe (European Centre for Modern Languages, ECML), 2011. Pp. 91”, book review, TESOL Quarterly, Special Issue: Plurilingualism, Volume 47, Issue 3, pages 654-657, September 2013.
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI), Annual report 2013, p. 17. Available in French and in English
Heyworth, Frank, Applications of quality management in language education, Language Teaching, 46, 5 June 2013, pp 281-315, doi:10.1017/S0261444813000025. Abstract
Omer, Danielle et Frédéric Tupin, Éducations plurilingues: L’aire francophone entre héritages et innovations, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013.
Shores, Patty / Martens-Wagner / Julia und Kollien, Simon,„Zwei Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des PRO-Sign-Projektes in Graz, Österreich“, Beitrag aus: DAS ZEICHEN 94/2013, Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser, in Schauplätze, July 2013, pp. 330-333.
Shores, Patty / Daiss-Klang, Brigitte / Pangri, Janja / Adaptation rédactionnelle: Martina Raschle / Traduction: Daisy Maglia / Photos: Julia Martens-Wagner, Silva Duka, Fais-moi signe, Octobre/Novembre 2013. [French version, also available in German and in Italian / Version en français, également disponible en allemand et en italien]
Shores, Patty / Daiss-Klang, Brigitte / Pangri, Janja / Überarbeitung: Martina Raschle / Fotos: Julia Martens-Wagner, Silva Duka, Visuell Plus, Oktober/November 2013. [German version, also available in French and Italian / Version en allemand, également disponible en français et en italien]
Shores, Patty / Daiss-Klang, Brigitte / Pangri, Janja / Rielaborazione: Martina Raschle / Traduzione: Emilia Penella; Foto: Julia Martens-Wagner, Silva Duka, Segni amo, Ottobre/Novembre 2013. [Italian version, also available in French and German]
6. Council of Europe developments
related to languages and intercultural education
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
No regrets - mission possible

The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages was adopted, as a convention, for signature on 5 November 1992. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Secretariat of the Charter conducted interviews in December 2012 with the authors of the first draft of the Charter - Piero Ardizzone, Yvo Peeters, Mervyn Phillips, Lluís Maria de Puig and Jean-Marie Woehrling. When looking back at the drafting of the treaty, its impact since, and the challenges that still lie ahead, the original authors emphasised that they would do it the same way again. Indeed, the objectives and principles of the Charter have remained as topical as they were in the 1980s. The Charter Secretariat now publishes these interviews in the present Festschrift.
New posters (pdf format):
Download the brochure "Giving regional and minority languages a say!"
in 18 languages: English - Català - Deutsch - Eesti - Español - Euskara - Frysk - Galego - Hrvatski - Italiano - Magyar - Nederlands - Polski - Română - Русский - Slovenčina - Slovenščina - Svenska
The Council of Europe's work to support regional or minority languages (audiofile)
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM): recommendations and reports
Website of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights
Visibility materials: information leaflets, posters, "Charter for all" (child-friendly version of the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education), stamp dedicated to education for democratic citizenship
Download or order the manuals: "Living Democracy" manuals for teachers
Videos on Democratic Classrooms:
In collaboration with the Inter-American Teacher Education Network (ITEN), the Inter-American Program has been developing a series of online seminars (webinars), in English and Spanish entitled “Building Democratic Classrooms”.
Council of Europe Pestalozzi programme
The Pestalozzi Programme is the Council of Europe's training and capacity building programme for all education professionals in Europe.
Council of Europe online bookshop:
new publications (2013)
PDF - Catalogue of publications 2013
Catalogue New Titles 2013-1 (English)
Catalogue Nouveautés 2013-1 (French)
Learning mobility and non-formal learning in European contexts: Policies, approaches and examples
History of the Council of Europe
Histoire du Conseil de l'Europe
The intercultural city step by step - Practical guide for applying the urban model of intercultural integration
La cité interculturelle pas à pas – Guide pratique pour l'application du modèle urbain de l'intégration interculturelle
Developments in mediation, current challenges and the role of ROMED
L'évolution de la médiation, les défis actuels et le rôle de ROMED
Reimagining democratic societies: a new era of personal and social responsibility (Council of Europe higher education series No. 18)
7. Quick links
All issues of the European Language Gazette
European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)
ECML on Facebook
ECML on Twitter
ECML publications
ECML calendar of activities 2013
ECML international events calendar
ECML experts database
Council of Europe Language Policy Unit
Council of Europe Pestalozzi Programme
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Council of Europe home page
European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
Promoting excellence in language education
A - 8020 Graz, Nikolaiplatz 4
T +43 316 323554-20
F +43 316 323554-4
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