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Managing workshops

A central workshop is facilitated by the project team; a workshop brings together nominated delegates from the member states (1 delegate per member state; expenses covered by the ECML) and, on the basis of available space, delegates from other countries (expenses not covered by the ECML). A workshop, which lasts 2 days and takes place in Graz, is preceded by a preparatory meeting of the project team on the day before the workshop starts.

Duration: 2 days plus 1 day preparatory meeting; 1 day of follow-up for the team (optional)

Venue: ECML, Graz

Interpretation between two working languages is provided by the ECML for plenary sessions.

Travel and subsistence is provided by the ECML for 4 team members and 36 nominated participants from ECML member states.

Nomination of participants: The ECML has national nominating authorities in each member state who will identify a representative of their country to participate in a workshop. The call for nomination including a participant profile defined by the team is sent out to them 3 months prior to the event at the latest. The selection process of the nominating authorities is based upon this participant profile.

In addition to preparing, delivering and following up all issues relating to the content of the project the following overview lists essential tasks for managing this event.

ToDo's for the coordinator


  • 4 weeks prior to the event the coordinator sends the following documents/information to Erika Komon:
    • the programme of the event in both working languages;
    • a letter to the participants covering pre-event information and tasks for the participants; this letter will be sent to all participants by the ECML (unless agreed otherwise);
    • requests for logistical support (e.g. special equipment) and details of the social programme planned for.
  • 1 week prior to the event the coordinator sends to Erika Komon:
    • documents in the two working languages for the ECML to copy and prepare for the participants for the event itself.
  • Also, the coordinator reviews the project website and the project glossary to identify areas worth presenting to the workshop audience to facilitate project dissemination.

AFTER THE EVENT, the coordinator ... 

  • will receive the results of the feedback questionnaire for participants to draw conclusions and to follow up possible issues in the meeting report;
  • drafts a news item for the project website and forwards it to the second language documentalist, the web correspondent and the communications officer;
  • completes the report of the meeting within 2 weeks after the event and sends it to Erika Komon;
  • carries out follow-up work relating to the development of the website and the project glossary.
ToDo's for the second language documentalist

BEFORE THE EVENT, the second language documentalist ...

  • translates the workshop programme into the second working language;
  • produces presentations, materials and identifies publications and terminology in the second working language to be presented during the workshop.

AFTER THE EVENT, the second language documentalist ...

  • provides texts and materials in the second language and sends them to the web correspondent for placing them on the project website;
  • provides input for the further elaboration of the project glossary;
  • translates the news item sent by the coordinator.
ToDo's for the website correspondent

AFTER THE EVENT, the website correspondent ...

  • informs the ECML where to place materials and texts provided by the coordinator, the second language documentalist and other team members on the website.

Contact: Erika Komon 

Working documents

Programme template EN-FR / EN-DE

Report form (including news item)

Further information...

Example of an ECML post event evaluation questionnaire (participant)

Example of an ECML impact survey - workshop questionnaire (participant)